AS right now have a very limited use as currency. Why should I switch from plat to shards when plat is a perfectly fine currency? As a store of value, AS could be all over the place, sometimes skyrocketing and other times hitting the floor (when compared to plat). Plat can be used for everything: Consumables, scrolls (these get expensive!), mana pots, whatever. AS are only a big advantage to plat when talking about big-ticket items, like tomes. What incentive do I have to get a fortune in AS? Inflationary quantities are unknown and will likely be all over the place, they can't buy a few hundred Raise scrolls, and I'm limiting my buyer pool. This solution fixes the whole problem: You can buy scrolls/pots with the converted TP, there is a reason for all players to try to amass an AS fortune, and this keeps AS inflation down as some players will convert a lot to TP. It's the perfect fix.