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I think I mentioned it before, Strinati's and Hand of the Tombs are good to have. And both are not BoA, so you can just buy them on the AH, even if you dont have the appropriate quest packs.
Challenge grinding isnt bad. Getting additional stars doesnt improve your final score, just your XP reward - if you're after maximizing your barter currency, you want to 1) get as many dragonshards as possible, 2) kill bosses, and 3) kill trash mobs. After completing your primary objective, of course. You do get mats for running below-level, but they're reduced of course, and usually its not even worth it since mobs are all Normal difficulty and there's no scaling - you can usually get away with running 1 or 2 levels ABOVE you, for the little extra bonus.
For Rushmore quests, this is my usual run:
1-clear the upstairs in the Servants Quarters to get a bunch of crests
2-Proceed east through the Wine Cellar and Banner Hall to the Observatory - you can shop for crests here if you're missing one
3-Take out Temptia (except in Moving Targets, obv.)
4-Return to the Banner Hall, go down the secret door and take out Mother of the Nest (boss points).
5-If time remains, go take out Ugg in the War Room.
Usually that'll be the end of your time and it'll net you 200-300, so you should only have to hit it a few times to get enough mats for an item.
For Kobold Island, just run around in a cirlce, activating and upgrading the four Small Collectors, killing kobolds and desecrating idols as you go for Parts. Put one Magefire Cannon at Small Collector 2 and 4, a few paces in front of the lever, one at Collector 4, right behind it opposite from the lever, and two at Small Collector 3, blocking each entry path up on either side. You shouldnt have to worry about upgrading the Cannons, L1 should keep them guarded long enough. Upgrade the collectors to L2 as fast as possible.
When the Lantern Archon comes, check your map to see how close it is. If its not too far, go nuke it as hard as you can. Its a Lawful Good Outsider, so make sure you're not using Holy or Pure Good weapons on it, use an elemental weapon - you dont want it to disappear before it dies, and its got a lot of life and doesnt hang around long.
After you have all your collectors upgraded, if you have enough time (~3:00+), you can go activate one of the Large Extractors and just ignore the Smalls. Once you activate a Large, a lot of monsters will start attacking it, so just park there and nuke them as they come until time runs out; all the kills, and the dragonshards should up your final score pretty nicely. If you dont have enough time to bother with a Large, just go kill the bosses at each Large Extractor for some boss points and loot chests.
For the Kobold Union ones, its pretty straightforward...you always get 15 crystals in your initial haul, so buy 5 workers (unless you cant) and at least one Teleporter, two if the mission supports teleport spots, and pick up all the loose torches (there's two behind you in Magma Chambers). Find purple crystals, lead Kobolds there, put a teleporter at the end of the line so they dont have to run back, kill anything that comes close. Usually when you hit your quota, a boss will spawn near the Foreman, so when you're close, head back and be ready for that. Once you reach your quota, just keep collecting more purple crystals. Depending how many purple ones spawn close by, you can get a lot of barter mats in the allotted time.
I never do Colossal Crystals, btw...I find it a colossal PITA. Its too easy to spend 15 mins and then fail the main objective. I just do Moving Targets and convert the barter mats to Jade Scorpions; its faster and much more certain of not failing.