for the juggernaut build
My PM/monk toon still do fine in ee content, even in ee GH, so I guess they're still fine. Wail is still broke and haven't been fixed though. :P
Remember, that it is all about your play style and your own kind of build that made your toon the ultimate toon.
But my "list" would be:
1. Palemaster/Monk/Shiradi/Necro-Enchant Specialist: Instant kill would made quick work of enemy casters, crowd control are perfect for melee mobs, shiradi is for DPS. Shiradi sorc is meh IMO, without good cc they would be pretty much overwhelmed by large numbers of mobs. For example: EE tor, lot of giants immune to nerves venom, and they even have boulder toss...hold monsters won't work on them though but dance does. Palemaster also provide good immunity to enemy spells.
2. Moncher: They pretty much are the king/queen of DPS right now between switching manyshot and 10k star, especially dangerous in fury of the wild. They also good at cc with Otto whistler, pin, and nerves venom.
3. Juggernaut: This is one of the most well-rounded build atm imo, great combo build with both melee and ranged capacity, and can also do a little bit of cc.
4. Paladin/Monk-or-Rogue THF in fury or dreadnought: great survivability, self-healing, high saves, decent DPS and can also tank.
Also, bring bacon, it would defeat any mobs.