My submission for screen shot of the week.
I winnar?
My submission for screen shot of the week.
I winnar?
lol, I was like... what are people talking about?!
And I saw it.. lol...
I drew someone as the Riddler.
1 million points if you can guess who I drew.
If you ask what this has to do with ddo, I'd say it's on ddo forums so it counts.
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-06-2013 at 09:50 PM.
I drew some guy.
It's not a new age vampire. I swear... to god.... if someone says it is...
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-08-2013 at 09:43 PM.
I've entered the Shadar Kai Tatoo contest.
This is my first submission. The Deathless Rose
What is a Shadar Kai Agent?
A beauty to behold? Her wiles lure men upon her thorns.
A deep bloom? A sweet scent to distract from her lies.
A propagator of despair? Her seeds sow the fruition of her goals.
Assassin. Spy. Usurper. She knows not she is the black rose.
She is a stain in the garden.
She is a Shadar Kai Agent.
Please check it out!
I will be trying for one design submission every day.
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-12-2013 at 01:48 PM.
2nd submission: Death Goddess
Grumpum and my brother both said my first design was too soft for an evil Shadar Kai Agent.
QUOTE "Not a ladies night out" END QUOTE
Design needs to be more badass.
I personally didn't think the design was too pretty, darn it.
I like my assassins / spies with a certain amount of charm and grace! Not just some common murderer!
Subtle hint of evil darn it!
If you're trying to be a spy for an evil organization and you have a big skull tattoo on your forehead.... pretty sure you won't get very far.
Same goes for assassins. "Yes, I saw who did it officer, it was that girl with a big scorpion tattoo covering half her face."
I mean.. try leaving the city gates with that description going around.
And, my personal pet peeve of tattoos overwhelming a face... God.... tattoos are not masks!
But this isn't about me... so...
Hmmm..... here is my rendition of more badass.
It was hard making a design for her chin that didn't make her look like she had a goatee or some unwanted facial hair. :/
Hehe... I like it tho...
In any case, I will try to do a little of everything for my submissions.
I will do a dragon tattoo sometime for this contest....
It's just that.... when I told my friends about the contest, immediate reaction was "do a dragon tattoo!". And, I realized, my first idea for this girl was a darn dragon tattoo. Then, looking through the submissions already sent, I saw a lot of dragon tattoos.
So, it makes me cringe to do a dragon tattoo for this lady..... It's just so (as Balsaa said in game chat) "Faux Pas"....
I don't think it was the right use of Faux Pas but I'm not a grammar nazi and... the message conveyed was clear to all.
Dragon tattoos.... jeez....
I blame the movie. You know the one I'm talking about. :3
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-12-2013 at 02:12 PM.
Drew a D&D Hound Archon for a friend today.
Just the top half.
Needed a break from tattoos.
Albeit, I will submit one today as well.
Origa sings in Russian for the GitS opening songs
BTW I love you Briareos pic, I would love to see one Denune Knute, Motoko Kusinagi, Bauto, or some Tachikoma's/Fuchikoma's.
As you can tell I have a HUGE soft spot for Shirow Masamune ( obviously a alias) and his works. I wish he would finish off Appleseed finally, and maybe make write a second story for Black Magic M-66. I would also love to see your take on a GUGES-D or Briareos' modified GUGUES-D
Sorry for the OT rant, but, your work really piqued my interest there...
Now a few of my selections for 'good cyborg music videos'
http://<a href="</a>
sorry for the poor video quality
Ohhhh... it was russian. :O
Nice. I checked on Origa's songs yeseterday... she's like a Russian Enya. :3
In all honesty, when I was watching appleseed the whole time I was thinking... wouldn't it be cool if Warforged get some kinda GUGES-D system... LOL
Like, they just step back into a larger body suit and get super powered for a certain amount of time.
Albeit, I guess we already have a Warforged titan....
I will probably try to draw a concept for warforged mech suits... mmm....
A mech within a mech... :3
Hehe, well my fav char is Briareos. I dun care too much bout knut or most of the other chars. :3
I like Ghost in the shell a lot better... the Major is so hot....![]()
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-13-2013 at 02:00 PM.
This is the 3rd submission: Promethian Flame
The first flame cast the first shadows.
I wanted a flame design. So, the forehead design is what I came up with. I kept the concept of a 3rd eye (circle with a dot) for symbolic omniscience.
The design is asymmetrical. The right side is a "kill list" or "accomplishment list". Grumpum said that would be a cool concept to put on as a design... so I sat there thinking of ways to implement such a thing...
Deisgn is as shown. Middle Runes declares a master of deception; below it is the accomplishment lines.
As you can see, this particular agent is well schooled in the arts of espionage / sabotage.
This agent is a master spy.
As was said many times over, without light there is no dark; without flame no shadow.
Her forehead holds the flame to cloak her in shadow. She keeps the light close to her control.
On her left cheek are sharp intertwining shadows.
On her right cheek is a log of her deeds. The lines below the runes marks the strength and multitude of her accomplishments.
Each time she fulfills her task, she adds a single dot to one line; extending the line by a small point.
The longer and thicker the lines become; the more her shadow mastery is known.
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-14-2013 at 04:04 PM.
This is the 4th submission: Papillon
I wanted to do a simpler mask design because.... I fear that my designs are getting too complex.
So, here it is. A simple mask design.
I got inspiration from the monarch butterfly and other deadly butterflies.
Such is the nature of a Shadar Kai agent. A beautiful monster.
This tattoo enables a Shadar Kai to featherfall.
When escaping from a storied window, ambushing from above, or jumping across buildings, it's always easier if you're light as a feather.... and fall as one... A utility tattoo.
Fear the butterfly.![]()
This is my 5th design: Duplicity
The act of being something else.... while still being yourself. A true lie....
Very hard to do for the normal person. Probably... because we leak our true selves when we get too into something, too attached... too emotional. The difficulty of a true false skin...
The submission system has been giving me problems...
This was actually supposed to be the 4th submission but had to resubmit yesterday.... and finally posted today
So, meh. :O
Duplicity. One heart. Two Faces.
This tattoo is inscribed with runes that enable the Shadar Kai agent to trick the eyes of the beholder (double entendre intended).
The tattoo whispers charmed words that forces any story; any scenario; any tale, the agent weaves into reality.
A facade for the world. A reality for the heart.
Only the Agent knows the truth.
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-17-2013 at 05:25 PM.
This is my 6th design: Penumbra
Tattoos hold power and I thought about a living tattoo.
At first I was going to do a panther... you know, the traditional black panther design (panther butt up, sleek back, forepaws down).... but then I was like.... that's.... too common.
So, I tried making a shadow doll design.
I didn't make it too obvious by linking the hands, legs, body, head, and arm... but it's all there.
On the agent's forehead sets the black sun.
As true dark falls on the penumbral world, the denizens of soot and spite crawl toward a dark world's surface with the hopes of grasping the last vestiges of gray.
On the agent's cheek sleeps twin light seeking shades of the penumbra.
Upon speaking a promise of light, the tattoos on the agent's cheek becomes tangible and malleable. The agent may rip the tattoo from her cheek and fling the rubber-like shadow image upon the ground.
If she does so, two shades appear and seek the life of the closest living target not bearing the mark of the black sun.
This is my 7th design: Yggdrasil
I wanted to do a simpler design just in case the judges want something more simple.
Chaotic seed. This tattoo shows twisted roots sprouting from a chaotic seed.
This tattoo pays homage to the Shadar Kai's roots.
Just as the shadows took root in their fae ancestors, so must the Shadar Kai take root in the Forgotten Realms.
This is my 8th submission: Goetia
The art of invoking demons and angels.
I submitted this by email on july 22nd before the dead line.
Meh, Just thought I'd post here since haven't posted anything lately.
This is one of the only tattoos I'd suggest looking at close up.
I tried a simpler design.
A core dark seed sprouting roots.
Goetia Lesser key. This tattoo provides the Shadar Kai agent with a small conduit to the plane of 9 hells, Baator. The design represents a black root rising from the dark earth. This tattoo pays homage to the primordial fear of the unknown and to the ancient demons that slumber beneath the earth. The tattoo acts as a material, focus, and infernal (divine) spell component when summoning demons. Enabling the Shadar Kai agent to easily summon or aid in the summoning of demonic forces.
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 07-28-2013 at 03:44 PM.
Armor practice.
Learning to draw shiny metals.
Going to try and draw some fantasy D&D armor.....
Drew an acquaintance's OC in a suit......
People practice.
I suck drawing people....
Drew a harder overhead light for a friend.
Light / shadow practice.
It's sonic the hedgehog. LOOOOOLL......
Um.... this has a connection with ddo because... they're both video games.
I drew a demi-human kensai oc. His name's Pyanfar and he's practicing kensai sword arts.
Everytime I think of a Kensai, I'm thinking of some awesome sword tech / attacks.... Like in anime and such.
Hissatsu! (certain kill / ultimate technique in japansese)
I remembered my first character years ago in Baldur's gate 2... I played a Kensai Dwarf that started out with a Choas blade +2 katana... that was awesome.. loooll....
Once again back muscle and metal practice (a bronze ornate sword).
I also practiced a bit on scenery and background.
Hard to see.... and didn't spend much time on it, but wanted to quickly practice on scenery (play with the color planes etc). Mayhap do a big scenery pic sometime.....
Wheloon?... We'll see. :/
Fleet Foxes - Mykanos
I... can't get this song outta my head. Real Folksy... and just... awesome.
And you will go to Mykonos
With a vision of a gentle coast.
And a sun to maybe dissipate
Shadows of the mess you made...
When I was working on the tattoos for the contest and seeking inspiration, I just kept typing song lyrics into Ogrewoni's thelanis uc... lol....
Meh :/