Last edited by DynaTheCat; 04-17-2013 at 07:54 PM.
This started out as a tribute to the upcoming Shadowfall update. I saw there was a prison and wanted to do a prison scene.
Kinda got side tracked.
Here is a monstrous prisoner that was imprisoned because he was as his nature intended.
Now... he seeks redemption.
The scene was inspired by Pearl Jam's - Even flow
I kinda want to make an original character (OC) pitfiend..... Ga'Sol the redeemed.
Arraetrikos rebelled because he wanted to seize an opportunity and strike down Horroth. Arraetrikos sought power.
Ga'Sol rebelled simply because he is tired of the battle field.. tired of Shavrath. And so, for his insolence, Ga'Sol is stripped of his wings and cast into a dungeon.
Last edited by Dyna-The-Cat; 05-01-2013 at 03:45 AM.
Share time.
Hard'n Phirm - PI
Still one of my favorite educational songs...
The lyrics.... so epic lol....
When ink and pen in hands of men
Inscribe your form, bipedal "P"
They draw an altar on which
God has slaughtered all stability
No eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint
And yet to see you all at once we only need the point
Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny
That fit inside you oh so tight
With triangles that feel so right
Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline
The patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin
And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor
Then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before
This image was inspired by the "1 fund" boston marathon event. I tried incorporating the blue color into the cape and the aura is the gold.
Also, I think this is the ideal of a Favored soul class.
When you're playing a favored soul, you are the light. Your steps light their own way.
You need not fear the dark.
I drew this picture without any line art.... I usually draw a line art template before painting on it..... I didn't for this picture.
Was very very hard...... I lost myself in the light sometimes. Heh...
The scene was also inspired by: Seether - Fake it
Who's to know if your soul will fade at all?
The one you sold to fool the world.
You lost your self-esteem along the way.
The song's kinda dark for the picture... but I like it. :3
Partly because I play a palemaster and... I shroud in darkness rather than light...
I also sometimes go into the exhalted angel ED and just.... FAKE IT. MAUAHAHHA
I'm a villain.
Last edited by Dyna-The-Cat; 05-05-2013 at 09:25 PM.
Been real busy.
Drew this in 10 mins as a practice.
Meh..... I sucks....
Been watching Attack on titan. (PG-13 rating)
Kinda... wanted to draw a more anime-ish person....
Last edited by Dyna-The-Cat; 05-11-2013 at 10:04 PM.
nice work D
have you set shop on DeviantArt ?
its free and they gather all sorts of talents.
Last edited by Dyna-The-Cat; 05-12-2013 at 02:24 PM.
Quick paint of a pit fiend. Meh :O
I decided to flesh out my pit fiend Ga'sol a bit more.
He's holding a... flag / crest of a fallen enemy and looking at his bloody palms....
The pitiful sinner.
The repentant demon.
hehe.... Just an idea.
Just a quick sketch. I might simple color / shade it later... not sure...
Inspired a bit by: Alice in Chains - Would
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 05-20-2013 at 09:45 PM.
Souls to machines.
With the addition of iconic War Forged heroes, we've got to ask the question... can machines have souls?
In all honesty. I drew nothing.
This, may or may not be, a quick sketch of a female warforged soul being born....
She may or may not be crossing her arms across her chest.... She may not even be there.
It's really all in your head.
I personally drew a white blot I splashed on a random lazy background.
Song Ghost in the Shell - Innocence
And, so, for a machine with a soul; I always remembered Ghost in the shell....
The video is the awakening of a cyborg.
Kinda relevant to this post.
Last edited by DynaTheCat; 05-25-2013 at 12:16 AM.
I drew Appleseed's Briareos on iscribble chat... the cyborg that looks kinda like a bunneh.....
Anyways. was thinking that Briareos' design would be a cool addition to warforged heads... if adapted properly.
Song Ghost in the Shell - Rise Origa
I think she sings in Scandinavian or something... anyways it's pretty cool... Or I think so anyways.
I'm kinda on a war forged streak because I just TRed into a WF sorc... to get 3 sorc lives... hehe...
Been busy too... will try to draw more often.
Feel free to post your own inspirations and songs too btw.
Everything looks good with a top hat. I drew a giraffe with a top hat cuz... I dunno....
I goal will be to get a top hat for all my pets.
Go buy your pet a top hat.
I drew a wolf.
Something, something, ddo related. Druids. Yeah.
I drew the head of a panther man.
For panther pets, I have the snow panther.... hehe cute....
In my quest for lvl 20 to tr again, I farmed out "murder by night" recently. Good xp farm....
So was kicking werewolf butt and hence putting the 2 together; it's a were panther!
Yeah yeah, I know u like watching true blood. Blah blah blah.
Sorry for not posting in a while folks.
Been hella busy.
But, had some spare time to draw my friend's were fox rogue sneak thief.
Song Depech Mode: Soothe my Soul.
This song reminds me of something devious... like a spy or something.. lol
A monk type character I drew for someone on a whim.
I kinda cheated.
I can't draw people's faces... looll.... I need to practice more people....
Song Bush - Sound of Winter
Yeah yeah, you've probably heard it a million times.
But it kinda sticks to the picture's theme.
Sue me.![]()
An inside joke somewhere. Written all over this cat's face.
I promise.... to draw more regularly... and.... more stuff people want to see.
Like... a comic or something.