On a boss fight we may be even for the duration of say, 10 rotations because of the PLs, but right after that it is not true anymore I think. It's also easier (or say lazyer) for a sorc to kite a mob in let's say, PoP without ever getting hurt hehe. But that doesn't bring anything to the table.
Also wanna point out that the evocation mastery fits to a sorc build, I understand that to you it might not be worth it at all since you've got a wider rotation at your disposal.
20 rotations. after that i just supplement scorching ray if he isnt dead somehow. honestly even though ive soloed everything i group all the time so stuff dies faster due to that therefore i rarely have to resort to scorching ray.
also i use noxious embers clickies in my rotation which basically resets all the CDs lol.
i might make a video and throw it on youtube to show the dps and how i play and stuff. pm me for my skype if u want and i can just share my screen.
Last edited by kalaka; 03-17-2013 at 06:26 AM.
Yep just don't know if it makes up for it and would love to compare results. But with the statement on haste rating... I will admit that perhaps it is less viable to build that way but sorc have the potential to dish out more for sure.
Just kidding there it was my way to extract most pros from a wiz shiradi point of view since I didn't take enought time to test it properly and still envy the versatibility out of shiradi. But those wings, I need em.
Have a nice day/night.
It's more of an issue of what's more important to you...and it's essentially a choice of risking being one-shot, grabbing a feat, grabbing a twist, or equipping an item...each with a decent opportunity cost.
I reduce this opportunity cost to almost nothing by having both the necklace and twist available, and use the right one for the scenario - most often, however, the +6 reflex/+3% dodge twist from magister is better - sometimes energy sheath is better. In these cases, equipping a +25% fort necklace is great (the slot just isn't very competitive since the torc got heavily proxy-nerfed by enemies hitting so hard - I still have mine around for torcing off archers, but that's about it).
That's actually the value of it being a twist or a less-competitive item slot - you can swap the item or twist for whatever you need when you need something else instead. Flexibility is a strong power to have in the current game - utilize it.
As a side-note on meteor swarm, I use it for one thing mainly - it's very powerful when you want to hit a large group (I only do it for 5+ enemies if I'm trying to be efficient) of enemies to make them CCed. Coupled with ice storm and cloudkill, you can annihilate enemies quite easily. When my character is done, I'll have 4k SP...and my goal will be to make those SP last as short or long as necessary...and spamming meteor swarm will eat up 4k SP pretty quickly.
At the end of the day, if we want to see who's higher DPS, though...we'd have to have a baseline comparison of proc chances for each over a few minutes, along with exactly what spells and all. In the mean time, it's so close...why bother really caring? If wizard is the better platform for you, be a wizard...if sorc is, be a sorc. I'm personally going to keep being a sorc until I feel I can make an evoker FvS work again (or, baring that, a drow PM work again with my necro spells actually being sufficiently effective) - it's all about which platform best suits how you play.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
there can only be one highlander
- Nova Soul: (a U24 NovaSoul - Survivalist Palemaster Direct Damage that can raid heal)
- Starter Sorcerer Playstyle Videos:
- My answer to your BYOH post.
I reincarnated my Wizard into the 18wiz/2monk build. After about 2 days of playing this shiradi build it's been awesome!
I do have a few questions if anyone can help out.
1. I ended up taking Monk for the first level I think I might have shorted myself on SP int he end by doing this. Is this the case?
2. I was able to solo my first EE quest (deal and the demon), it took me some pots and a cake but I was able to complete it. The boss fight took a bit and ate up some pots. My rotation was Niac's dot, MM, MM sla, FM, MM, CM, rinse repeat. I'd throw in a ice storm every now and then but boss moved a lot and I couldn't stand toe-to-toe with him or keep him in the ice storm. My question is how do other's approach boss fights vs high HP bosses to limit the use on pots or to burst out enough dps to take them down.
3. How often do you find yourself using pots in EE content? either soloing it or in groups.
4. Twists for ED's, besides the ED to pump up dodge & saves any other popular stuff to twist in?
5. For enhancements, are the improved quickening ones the best to take? are the improved maxemize or empower worth putting in also?
Thanks for the help. I'm sure i'll have more questions as I learn about playing this type of character.
Thank you for the reply.
I found that i am sitting around 2500 SP, and maybe it's because I have ran Citw and EE GH content but found i was using more pots than i wanted too but guess that should be on me to control myself.
I've been full metaing the 2 sla's and just quickening every other spell. I've been spending all my time in Double Rainbow stance and I've been trying to gauge my damage output. The numbers flyby so fast hard to keep track.
I just keep thinking if i'm missing something.
After playing both a fair bits, I would say I prefer shiradi water savant 18 sorc/2 pal. Frost lance sla is too much dps esp if you get 3 sorc past lives.
Sorc will have approximately 1000 more sp, and their missiles all need not to be quickened, sorc will last much longer.
Also, wiz can have a very difficult time bumping your fort/will saves to a adequate level for ee, unless like op, you twist all 3 saves. But you lose energy burst/10% sp that way. Even you twist all three saves, my exprience is that you will only get saves like 51/55/50 alike (reasonably sustainable) while sorc can hit about 61/60/56 which actually makes a huge difference when solo'ing ee.
Teth - Ascendance
Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.
I use no metas on spells usually (quicken sometimes) and all metas on slas. as for saves I'm at 53 56 53 with no AP spent on saves. missile Dps is more than frost lance Dps SLA wise and you get two missiles. also the whole Sp thing has been discussed and the difference is not 1000. as for deal end boss I perma dot dump mana and sit in the safe spot if he isn't dead. I never use pots honestly. if you have any ee solo video requests I might try to record em. besides saves twists which u reccomend the most honestly there is endless faith sense weakness energy burst.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)