Get a lotta tells about my wizard so figured I would just post it.
Lawful Neutral
Max Int
Max Con
4 Points into Wisdom
Iron Will (Monk Feat)
Toughness (Monk Feat)
Insightful Reflexes
Epic Toughness
Maximize Spell
Empower Spell
Quicken Spell
Spell Focus: Evocation
Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
Epic Mental Toughness
Sorc Past Life
Wizard Past Life
Improved Quickening 2
Improved Concentration 4
Kinetic Spellcasting 6
Deadly Kinetics 5
Energy of the Scholar 4
Acid Manipulation 1
Frost Manipulation 7
Storm Manipulation 7
Flame Manipulation 1
Force Manipulation 7
Repair Manipulation 1
Wizard Int 3
Warforged Inscribed Armor 1
Archmage 5
Archmage Spell Mastery 1: Evocation
Magic Missile SLA
Gust of Wind SLA
Chain Missiles SLA
Lvl 1: Jump, Magic Missile, Shield, Detect Secret Doors, Tumble
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Knock, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, Ottos Dance
Lvl 3: Magic circle Against Evil, Chain Missiles, Displacement, Haste
Lvl 4: Enervate, DDoor, Ice Storm, Force Missiles
Lvl 5: Niac's Biting Cold, Prismatic Ray, Eladar's Electric Surge, Ball Lightning, Break Enchantment
Lvl 6: Greater Heroism, Disintegrate, Reconstruct, Chain Lightning, Shadow Walk
Lvl 7: FoD, Mass Prot Elements, Prismatic Spray, Mass Invisibility
Lvl 8: Symbol of Death, Incindeary Cloud, Ottos Dance, Polar Ray
Lvl 9: Meteor Storm, Energy Drain, Power Word: Kill
Epic Destiny,k,p,r2,x3,aa
Twist in Unearthly Reactions, Dragonhide, and Impregnable Mind
Helm - EE Blue Helm +8 Int - Resistance +7 and Con +7
Necklace - EE Iron Beads - Proof Against Disease +10 and Exceptional Con +1
Trinket - +3 Int Planar Focus of Erudition with +1 Saves Ritual
Cloak - Epic Elite Jeweled Cloak - Cha +7 and Deathblock
Belt - eH Arkat's Cord - False Life +35 and Wisdom +2
Ring - Epic Ring of Elemental Essence - Blindness Immunity
Gloves - Mineral 2 - 35 HP 1 Cha Skills
Boots - Epic Corrosion - Str +7 14 PRR
Ring - Con 2 Dun Robar
Bracers - Str 2 Superior Parrying Large Guild Augment (SP)
Docent - Flawless Blue Docent Tier 3 - Good Luck +2
Goggles - Concordant Opp - 10 HP 150 SP 5 Cha Skills
Weapon-Twilight Tier 4 Combustion 120 Resonance 114