trading a EE +3 CON black helm for a EE +3STR one;
globe of true imperial blood;
interested in any awesome melee stuff for slots except head,chest,eye,trinket,back;
have plenty plats,timers and some stuff for trade
For sale/trade:
EE jeweled cloak(trade only,i would rather hold onto it for a bit);an exceptional CON +1 daimond(can go into any color augument),EE and EH copper staff(impulse and elec +120,super lightning lore),EH poison quiver(bugged and BTC now lol),EH madstone skull orb
midnight greetings/elyd/mummy wrapping/gloves of the claw scrolls
all of the for trade in my want list,also accepting plats and timers.
PM me or find me in game.
Manasdirge(working hard to gear him up :P)