OK – Here’s the deal – I’ve got a Warforged 18 Sorc / 2 Pal / 4 Epic (Almost 5) with full Shiradi. The twist is that he’s an Earth Savant. I’m toying with the idea of Lesser Reincarnating into an Air Savant, but my Feats, Enhancements, and some of the gear I’ve got (most notably the Epic Boots of Corrosion) is specced toward Conjuration and Acid Damage.
What I’d like to do is get some better ideas about gear, feats and enhancements before I LR.
Maximize Spell
Heighten Spell (was primarily for Web and SLAs)
Quicken Spell (For Reconstruct)
Spell Focus: Conjuration
Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
Spell Focus: Evocation
Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration
Great Charisma
I know I'm going to swap out my Conjuration Feats for Evocation what do I do with the one spare Feat?
Enhancements (I need help getting more in the Force Lines):
Maximize I & II (6 AP) - Required for Savant Line
Racial Toughness I & II (3 AP)
Earth Savant I, II, & III (8 AP) – Change to Air Savant
Corrosive Spellcasting I – VI (6 AP) – Change to Charged Spellcasting
Kinetic Spellcasting I – V (5 AP)
Deadly Acid I – VI (6 AP) – Change to Deadly Shocks
Deadly Kinetics I (1 AP) -
Sorc Energy of the Dragonblooded I – IV (10 AP)
Acid Manipulation I – VII (7 AP) – Change to Storm Manipulation
Force Manipulation I – VII (7 AP)
Repair Manipulation I (1 AP)
Sorc Charisma I, II, & III (12 AP)
Paladin Toughness I (1 AP)
WF Constitution I & II (6 AP)
Inscribed Armor I (1 AP)
Gear (Again – Need some more help, esp. deciding on whether to take the Epic Blue Dragon Set and how to fit in all of my + Stats)
Docent: Stone Heart +8 Constitution version w/Battle Arcanist
Bracers: War Wizard Bracers
Ring 1: Epic Ring of Elemental Essence (for +90 Ice SP for Ice Storm)/Seal of House Szind +7 Cha Version
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion (Want to keep Slippery Surface Immunity)
Gloves: Purp Dragon Gauntlets
Ring 2: Radiant Ring with Insightful Charisma +2 (total +3 Cha)
Belt: Belt of Seven Ideals (Epic Hard Version)
Cloak: Epic Cloak of Night (ML 24 version)
Trinket: Epic TH Spyglass/Planar Focus of Erudition +8 Cha/Swap in clickies
Necklace: War Wizard Amulet
Helm: Epic Chimera’s Crown (For 25 Spell Resistance)
Goggles: GS HP Goggles
Weapon: Bronze Ingot Arcanum (Acid) - I have Copper as well for Elec.
Quiver: Quiver of Alacrity
I have tons of other (Epic) gear as well - I spent a lot of time farming gear in my first life. Any suggestions on additional gear are welcome (Blue Dragon set??)
Also wondering which spells to choose here's my lineup now (underlined will not change without really good reason):
Lvl 1: Jump, Magic Missile, Nightshield, Protection from Evil
Lvl 2: Blur, Knock, Resist Energy, Web
Lvl 3: Acid Blast, Chain Missiles, Displacement, Haste
Lvl 4: Acid Rain, DDoor, Ice Storm, Solid Fog
Lvl 5: Cloudkill, Prismatic Ray, Prot. From Elements, Teleport
Lvl 6: Acid Fog, Disintegrate, Reconstruct
Lvl 7: FoD, Dancing Ball, Prismatic Spray
Lvl 8: BDB, PWS
Lvl 9: Meteor Storm