My comment was that on such an AA, the number of shiradi procs generated is very low compared to a shiradi sorc. You have roughly 2 procs per second, the shiradi sorc has an average of 4 times what you have.
Take it or leave itBut the way I see it is I always try to give advice so that people can build the most efficient toon possible. When you know there's a massive difference in terms of raw DPS btw this build and a shiradi sorc, and that a well built monkcher will be extremely survivable to the point where he doesn't need a heal bot...
So the first thought is.. try to explain this guy that he'll be better off by making one of those more "traditionnal" builds.
But what I'm seeing now is that you want to play a toon that maximizes the number of shiradi procs generated per second on a healer platform. To me, it looks like a fun build, that requires a lot of mario skills to make it work, but I still don't think it's very efficient :P
Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
The Sith Project ~ Youtube channel ~ Sithali, King of Burst DPS ~ Pyrene, the Endgame Paladin ~ Facebook!
The point is that you can add normal searing light to your rotation (so it's SLA -> Searing light -> Avenging light -> Nimbus), which will not only provide around the same dps as using a bow, with negligible sp cost, all the while helping you charge your ardor stacks faster.
I have a nova soul at the moment and while my rotation only includes SLA, Avenging light and nimbus, I find that that is enough to charge divine wrath whenever it comes off-timer. I can even add a rebuke foe right after the Divine Wrath and STILL be able to cast divine wrath when it comes off-timer. In addition you are probably throwing a few healing spells here and there, so I wonder how many bow shots you're getting in between all that spell-casting.
Basically you gain some minor sp free dps, while giving up increased survivability from shield (+shield mastery feats) and race as well as being more restricted in the spell power types you can have (since you're restricted to the trinket slot).
It just doesn't seem like a worthy trade-off.
Ceruleus ~ Nnomad ~ Nnia ~ Nnurgh ~ Cynnical
This is a cool idea, I like it, might do that on an Alt. Twist in the throwing alacrity ED
On the bow side, there's some flavor here for sure (as mentioned in the OP) but there's also synergy. +4 damage from Elf and FvS bow damage enhancements, DEX synergy with Elf, and of course AA obviously. I have a version of this build that is not AA but the no fuss no muss +5 arrows and slayer arrows adds to the enjoyment of playing it.
Here's the way I look at it, and why it appeals to me: with Quicken Max and Empower (and being SP efficient due to SLA's) I have all the good stuff I need to max out the light spell damage. Everything else is just stuff I would A) make healing more SP efficient with (Empower Healing meta but I don't honestly feel the lack of this meta, I rarely need to drink pots) or use for "whatever". That gap in DPS between the SLA's used to be filled with fully meta'd Searing Light and Nimbus that drained SP faster than I cared for.
I know the bow is doing me good because it regularly kills things when the lasers are cooling down. Slayer Arrows, and 150-180 point crits are non trivial DPS additions because they are not costing me light spell power or healing (at least in a way I find significant). I can use more SP and boost DPS... I always have that option, and I use it frequently when I know a shrine is close or the group is not using my SP to fill red bars.
BTW I am only just working out Seeker gear and exceptional seeker, and I am going to go from 19-20 to 17-20 crit range here in about 10k XP when I can take Improved Crit Ranged. The crits are going to get bigger and double in frequency. Would love to put Bow Strength in there but Archers Focus and 20% crits would have to go. Not sure if that trade off is worth it.
Funny thing I've personally found in this game, is that a lot of things that don't seem that great (especially if you're listening to the forums) can often surprise you. Conversely there's a lot of stuff around here people fawn over that I just don't get (like Conc op, or only putting 5 ranks in jump or long cool down burst DPS or Pali smites etc.).
Chalk it up to subjectivity, everyone has differing tastes and that's great, I personally value fluidity and seemless action, which to be honest is not in great supply in DDO, it's a complex game full of clickies and disjointed animation constrained movements and attacks.
This build shreds laser PEW PEW ranged damage at a rate that feels powerful and is more fun to play for me than I can explain in a forum post. This and my monk are closest thing to smooth/fluid action builds I've managed to get in DDO.
Coming off a Sword and shield healer build that was more about standing around while healing and jumping into the action when it didn't matter (when being incapped killed or knocked down/stunned wasn't going to cause a raid to wipe), I will say there's a world of difference in the relative feeling of power.
The early build that used purely spells was constantly getting into SP trouble, and unquickened spells in the rotation killed the "rotation" and made it play very disjointed and uneven. In mana dump mode (see OP) the DPS shines but needs to be used judiciously, as even Searing Light and Nimbus with DOT's quickened etc. will eat up 3600 plus SP in no time.
To tell the truth if Turbine allowed me to hot bar the same spell with two different meta magic configurations I might try to use only spells, and vary the meta's based on whats going on. But that's not the case, and I've found it to play better just having a "mana dump mode" in addition to a normal and SP saving mode.
Umm, it's pretty easy to do this. Drag & drop the spells to your hotbars, then right-click on them to see the metamagics available; you can set them to "always on" or "always off," which ignores whether or not you've toggled the metas elsewhere. Thus you could have one bar of unmeta-ed spells for your standard DPS rotation, and another set for your "mana dump" mode.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Was the pedantic "umm" necessary? A little chest puff up before the information? The last time I tried to have two different hotbars of the same spells with two different meta magic configurations the changes to one always effected the other identically.
If this has changed, that's awesome as it will help more than just this character.
Ever since I got my Epic Elite Road Watch Bow I was thinking about TR-ing my FvS to a Ranger but couldn't bring myself to do it. Then I came across your thread, OP - Favored Soul Arcane Archer...Brilliant!
I lesser reincarnated and now run with a Sun Valkryie, and I'm pretty happy with her.
Last edited by Tanhausen; 04-04-2013 at 02:17 AM.
Well I'm glad someone decided to try it, it's a little hard to explain the attraction on a forum, as it's not entirely about DPS, and numbers are often the main thing on forums.
Its a lot about how it plays and is a lot about how enjoyable it is to main heal the party while ALSO walloping stuff for 4 digit purple crits, that cost ZERO or 3sp and sustained damage and slayer arrows while the "lasers" are on cooldown.
Almost named the build "Laser Valkyrie" but sounded too techie.