Once upon a time in a server far far awar, lived a French half-elf archer who lived in a small hole.
Our little friend would dream all day of a life full of adventures. His dream was to become.. a Juggernaut, those Godlike Beings created for war.
Among the 12 Jugs created by the Gods, only eleven remained.
Twelve Epic Swords of Shadows for the Gods of War
Twelve Black Dragon Armors for the Dragon Slayers
Twelve Black Helms for the Undying Sentinels
One Lord to bring order, One Lord to protect them
One Lord to bring them all and in the light bind them
In the server of Thelanis where Evil lies
The weapons and armor of the twelfth who had perished a long time ago remained lost, and the legend said that one day, a man of great courage and virtue would find them. Only then would the prophecy be fulfilled and the Juggernaut army reassembled.
It truly is a great mystery that one day our little archer looted an Epic Sword of Shadows while gathering the dusty red scales of a slain ancient dragon that were supposed to possess healing properties.
All the juggernauts were awakened by the power released when the archer wielded for the first time the twelfth magic sword. But the greatest of them all, the Lord Commander of the Juggernauts, Haek, felt it even more.
It was not long before he found the archer. His first reaction was complete disbelief. The twelfth great sword of power in the hands of one of the weaker races? And an arcane archer on top of it?
But the archer was strong willed and the Lord of the Juggernauts could but notice his eyes were as a flame of fire, a flame of courage and justice.
The council of the Juggernauts was called by Haek in Thelanis in order to decide what should be done with the French Archer.
It was decided that he would be given a chance, although the journey would be full of dangers.
The archer met each task with as much dedication as any of the Juggernauts would. Soon he had slain the Black Dragon in the Gianthold Tor and acquired the mythic Black Dragonscale Docent.
For such a display of courage, he was granted by the Stormreaver a Black Helm, symbol of the now nearly instinct Warforged race.
The second task set by the Juggernauts was to be a proof of the dedication to the Order of the Juggernauts. As only a Warforged could be accepted as a Juggernaut, the archer had to go through a true reincarnation. 7.5 million experience he would grind to achieve his goal. To the greatest surprise of the Juggernauts, a few days was all it took, as our little friend was versed in the ways of leveling, having spent his entire youth studying the paths of reincarnation.
Only one element was now missing. He had shown his courage and dedication, but he had yet to bring proof of his skills through combat prowesses.
He had to solo the most difficult quest in the realm on the highest difficulty setting.
The archer became very sad because it was something he had already tried without success. The first time he had failed due to Devils running fast and him being crippled. The second time he was better prepared and he brought with him a +10 tendon slice ring as well as the Otto's Whistler and Pin twists. He was smashed by the waves of Orthons.
The third time.. well the third time he had a lot of preparation. He had reincarnated, he had acquired the most powerful weapon and armor.
He was ready.
This is where my story ends, and where the archer enters the Ship of the wind and waits on the decision of the Juggernauts.
But because of his past live as a half-elf and his French origin, Sith the archer will never be a Juggernaut.
Will the council of the Juggernaut accept a "Jaque-er-naut" as the Twelfth member of their Army?
I kinda got disappointed with the build at first when I hit 20 because the saves/survivability in EE content were pretty low. The guildies convinced me to try it at level 25, which I did, and it's a lot better now. Looking at low 50's on saves, 52 PRR and the right gear.
I decided to try out EEDA as I had promised I would to Haek. I got it on the first try - and honestly I didn't really expect I would succeed, as I tried it last life on my monkcher, and 2 times I couldn't get past the orthon's waves.
Big mistakes I did:
- No nightshield clickie/scrolls - the casters spam magic missiles that do around 100+ damage each time.
- No DR Breaker =D Didn't really expect to make it on the first try so didn't bother getting the "good weapon" spell. Could have used the esos but then I'd lose 15 PRR and as Haek pointed out when he soloed EEDA, you really really want to have that PRR bonus.
No voice commentaries this time, it was 2 am my time and family was asleep.
Anyway, here's the video, screenshots to follow.