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Thread: WTS: Otto Box

  1. #1
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Default WTS: Otto Box

    I have 1 for trade. Despit ethe forum insanity going on right now I will not be trading a single top-tier EE item for this. Just because some people want to throw around ridiculous money for items, that's their business. Don't come looking here if you want to rip someone off for a box.

    That being said:

    I need an EE Black Dragon Helm with +8 Strength or +3 Insight Con.
    And an EE Quiver of Poison.

    Other items I am mildly interested in:
    EE Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
    EE Backstabber Gloves
    Globe of Blood

    I'm in no rush to trade, but feel free to make separate offers of these things I'm always happy to hear reasonable ones.
    good at business

  2. #2
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    Got a quiver to trade, and some plat/reds.


  3. #3
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    Good for you I feel the same way I have one myself I would let go for the right price but a EE item isnt even close.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angledoculi View Post
    Got a quiver to trade, and some plat/reds.

    I would do the trade for the quiver and another top tier EE GH/High Road item. Let me know thanks
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  5. #5
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Good for you I feel the same way I have one myself I would let go for the right price but a EE item isnt even close.
    Appreciate the support.

    One person makes a bad deal on the forum and it's like "THATS THE NEW PRICE GIVE ME ALL YOUR SPARKLIEZz!!!1!"
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  6. #6
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    Needless to say, Fawn is not very good at haggling and knows it.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 03-12-2013 at 04:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Still not going to give you 50 of my hard earned dollars for one EE item.
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  8. #8
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    Default Agreed

    I take this stance completely.

    Since when can I invest EE dream visors and globe and make 8-12% intrest or earn dividends?

    Since when could cash my EE items for money and go to Ruth's Chris.

    Maybe I should pawn my Omega Seamaster and buy a 20 globes because they're obviously going to be worth a ton someday. Maybe i'll put them in my swiss account....

  9. 03-13-2013, 12:15 PM

  10. #9
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    I was one of those people until someone told me the trouble it caused others in creating a real money based system. I refuse to trade TP any more for that reason, it really messed it up for those that either do not or cannot spend money on the game. You also shouldn't have to, but I am completely in favor of trading items for TP. I will continue to sustain myself solely off of other peoples money. =)

  11. 03-13-2013, 12:40 PM

  12. #10
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Would the box you are selling be a soap box? If so, you will have to climb down off of it to sell it. I am having a hard time figuring out if this is buy/sell thread or just a vehicle to make disparaging comments about and pass judgement on other players.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  13. #11
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedDragonScale View Post
    The very same guy to which you are referring paid either 16 or 18 Flawless Reds for a +4 STR tome I believe it was. Now in the very thread where that auction (that he won) was conducted, several other people tried to warn him that +4 tomes would be in the DDO store in the next week or two.

    The guy wasn't dissuaded in the least. He wound up paying all those Flawless Reds (they were worth a little more then than they are now) and sure enough, a week later +4 Tomes became available in the Store.

    The moral of the story is, unless you're going to sell/trade your item to that one particular guy, do your homework and find out what items are ACTUALLY worth or what they're ACTUALLY trading for before you try to sell/trade your item based one one or two ridiculous deals.
    The guy in question also happens to be one of the nicest and most generous guys on the server. Something that is apparently to be ridiculed and reviled.

    Lighten up guys. It's a game.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  14. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    I have 1 for trade. Despit ethe forum insanity going on right now I will not be trading a single top-tier EE item for this. Just because some people want to throw around ridiculous money for items, that's their business. Don't come looking here if you want to rip someone off for a box.

    That being said:

    I need an EE Black Dragon Helm with +8 Strength or +3 Insight Con.
    And an EE Quiver of Poison.

    Other items I am mildly interested in:
    EE Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
    EE Backstabber Gloves
    Globe of Blood

    I'm in no rush to trade, but feel free to make separate offers of these things I'm always happy to hear reasonable ones.
    Using the manacles, to be honest the yellow slot blows ass... If I hadn't pulled I would have likely not bought em.
    Sure you could put a resist in it, sure you could put blindness immunity in it... but ya can't put fortification in it, and being as due to the latest update Vulkor's might is useless (doesn't stack) that put me in a nasty re-gearing spot...
    Can't be running EEs without 140%-150% fort so....

  15. #13
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy310 View Post
    Using the manacles, to be honest the yellow slot blows ass... If I hadn't pulled I would have likely not bought em.
    Sure you could put a resist in it, sure you could put blindness immunity in it... but ya can't put fortification in it, and being as due to the latest update Vulkor's might is useless (doesn't stack) that put me in a nasty re-gearing spot...
    Can't be running EEs without 140%-150% fort so....
    I run with 100% all the time. There's precious few mobs that actually bypass fort outside of High Road.
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  16. #14
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    Would the box you are selling be a soap box? If so, you will have to climb down off of it to sell it. I am having a hard time figuring out if this is buy/sell thread or just a vehicle to make disparaging comments about and pass judgement on other players.
    Now now, Mr. Name-Call-y Kettle Black...My wants for this box are EXPLICITLY stated in this post at top.

    I even detailed a deal I tried to make (without exposing the other party the offer was made to out of respect).

    What exactly are you on about? If you're friends with someone who likes to spend money on TP and Items and make ridiculous trades and you're simply sticking up for them, that's cool I guess. We all need friends. But I'm not naming any names or picking on people, I'm making a pretty simple argument: TP/Item trade inflation just got real. I'm going to do everything I can to try and nip it in the bud.

    I don't mind dropping a little coin on my favorite social/anti-social hobby. But if other people do mind, they can't expect to be paid handsomely for playing the game as an alternative. Trades need to be fair. It's not that hard to get an EE item, you just run quests on EE.

    I would argue, while sitting in front a computer game, it's significantly harder to conjure 50$ out of the air, than it is to run EE Tor for a Globe. Conversely, good luck pulling an Otto's Box out of a chest. It costs OVER 2 MONTHS OF GAMETIME TO BUY 1 AT CURRENT VIP SUB RATES. So, honestly, it's worth about 2 months of a grinding EE's worth of items, if you ask me. That's significantly more than 1 Globe of True Imperial Blood. But I'm trying to be reasonable, I'm asking for a bout a weeks worth of grinding EE's, if that. That's 7 weeks off, pretty freaking incredible deal if you ask me.
    Last edited by jakeelala; 03-13-2013 at 01:20 PM.
    good at business

  17. #15
    Community Member Eckelburg9's Avatar
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    Why the posturing? If you ask for something in trade for your items and get it, congrats. If you ask for something in trade for your items and don't get it, try something else that works.

    The name calling and rudeness aren't necessary because you don't like what someone else has done. Most people will hold out for the best offer. Some people in game and in RL have a "I want it and I want it now" attitude and are willing to pay for convenience. You don't like this? Don't participate.

    If an item is over-inflated and no one buys, the price goes down. So that you can positively influence the economy, maybe sell off your EE items for dirt cheap on the AH, better yet, give them away for free. You do this enough, you'll be sure to lower the demand and therefore lower the values.

    I digress, this thread is to sell your box. Apparently, you have no takers yet, but I wish you luck on your transaction.

    (By the way, you shouldn't name any names in transaction, trades, party..etc, not just because it's disrespectful but because it's against forum rules/policy.)
    Last edited by Eckelburg9; 03-13-2013 at 01:56 PM. Reason: added last line

  18. #16
    Community Member DaysAndKnights's Avatar
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    I hear what you are saying J. But I agree with other posters. The posturing is unnecessary and probably unsuccessful.

    I was looking for EE visors in my trade thread. Willing to pay about 2500 TP worth. Had a poster say - hey folks are paying 5000TP/1 box for that. I said: More power to them. I'll wait for the market to right itself and removed it from my list for now. No big deal. The economy is always out of whack right after a new release. Some people want to pay a premium for NOW.

    Best of luck to you in your crusade to right the server economy with a single Otto's box.

    There are too many Otto Boxes flying around for you to have much of an impact. They are almost a commodity item now. Big value so they work well for big trades. Especially since other commodity items (like FRDS and FGDS) have value fluctuations based on how desirable the gear is that you can get from them. TR is always in demand, though, so they hold their value. Basically like TP codes, but better than TP codes because you can trade them with no risk.

    Hey, as for an offer: Give you EE Admantine Knuckles, EE Jorg's Collar, and EE Arkat's Cord for the box.

  19. #17
    Community Member RedDragonScale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    The guy in question also happens to be one of the nicest and most generous guys on the server. Something that is apparently to be ridiculed and reviled.

    Lighten up guys. It's a game.
    His niceness was never in question Ash. His ability to assess value, however, was/is. While his demeanor in-game makes him pleasurable to quest with, the aformentioned ability to assess value makes the Marketplace kinda treacherous.

  20. #18
    Community Member Blue_wizards's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    I don't mind dropping a little coin on my favorite social/anti-social hobby. But if other people do mind, they can't expect to be paid handsomely for playing the game as an alternative. Trades need to be fair. It's not that hard to get an EE item, you just run quests on EE.

    I would argue, while sitting in front a computer game, it's significantly harder to conjure 50$ out of the air, than it is to run EE Tor for a Globe. Conversely, good luck pulling an Otto's Box out of a chest. It costs OVER 2 MONTHS OF GAMETIME TO BUY 1 AT CURRENT VIP SUB RATES. So, honestly, it's worth about 2 months of a grinding EE's worth of items, if you ask me. That's significantly more than 1 Globe of True Imperial Blood. But I'm trying to be reasonable, I'm asking for a bout a weeks worth of grinding EE's, if that. That's 7 weeks off, pretty freaking incredible deal if you ask me.
    Hi buddy, you are way out of scale here.
    It takes a lot longer then a week to get an item that has less then 1% chance of dropping (only on ee mind you) in a quest that takes about 75 minutes to complete (with the optionals) when running in an all star group (everyone geared, skilled, and pulls their weight). I am talking about the globe and I say this since i've done EE tor in full group over 50 times and only seen it drop twice.

    You can decide you are willing or unwilling to trade x for y but you can't just assume what the amount of effort it takes to get y. More often then not it is a great deal of effort. There is no point in saying this is or that is an outrageous deal, in the end of the day it comes down to a buyer and seller and out of the entire spectrum of people out there on both sides things will even up to what they are "actually" worth eventually. Trying to sway the crowds opinion to this side or another simply distorts the actuall worth of coming out.

    In any case nothing but love for you buddy and good luck with your trade.

  21. #19
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    I'll just happily wait 2-3 weeks when people start TR'ing again boxes get back to 2-3 EE items I guess.

    I'm not trying to be unreasonable, and Blue even if you have a point about the Globe, people are trading the Visor for a box. Visors drop frequently, and PoP on elite is a literal joke.

    I got my Visor on run 4. My guildy took a week ransacking on multiple toons with horrible luck. 1 week.

    And the trade I offered someone (again, remaining anonymous here) was for a very low value EE (manacles) and the Globe for my Box and 10 Flawless White or Blue Scales which is arguably worth between another 750-1mil plat (75k-100k per scale which I think people are still getting for blues) on top of the box. I was basically, almost trading the box for a globe when you consider the manacles aren't worth much more than 1mil plat. Most people want to keep other items there and already have the str/con slotted somewhere else for toons that need both.
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  22. #20
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaysAndKnights View Post
    I hear what you are saying J. But I agree with other posters. The posturing is unnecessary and probably unsuccessful.

    I was looking for EE visors in my trade thread. Willing to pay about 2500 TP worth. Had a poster say - hey folks are paying 5000TP/1 box for that. I said: More power to them. I'll wait for the market to right itself and removed it from my list for now. No big deal. The economy is always out of whack right after a new release. Some people want to pay a premium for NOW.

    Best of luck to you in your crusade to right the server economy with a single Otto's box.

    There are too many Otto Boxes flying around for you to have much of an impact. They are almost a commodity item now. Big value so they work well for big trades. Especially since other commodity items (like FRDS and FGDS) have value fluctuations based on how desirable the gear is that you can get from them. TR is always in demand, though, so they hold their value. Basically like TP codes, but better than TP codes because you can trade them with no risk.

    Hey, as for an offer: Give you EE Admantine Knuckles, EE Jorg's Collar, and EE Arkat's Cord for the box.
    I admire and applaud your gumption, tearing me down just enough to butter me up for the pitch . Unfortunately, as a monk (class) hater, I have very little use for almost all of those items. Thank you for the offer, though.

    And I'm pretty sure this mental illness surrounding the value of boxes will pass soon enough.

    And...FWIW, I actually have 2 boxes.
    good at business

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