Have not been playing my Wiz for some time now, and when I did take her out she feels gimp, Hold monster is DC46, FoD 40, Disco 44. Now granted I have not been keeping her up to date with gear but have access to most epic gear (seals, Shards, scrolls) Not to much in the DQ but everything else is in bank.
This is a quick break down. I'm thinking of putting another life of Wizard on her, or maybe making her a soc. (very torn about what to do. I like PM and I like to work CC for the party) Oh how the mighty have fallen.... I do run a lot of EE on my AA and monk so getting some of them gear is also possible. just dont know were to go from here. any help would be super, (I am not above doing a LR to adjust the number if they make sense.

Thanks all.

lv 20 +5 on Magister ED
2nd life Human Wizard
34 pt

Current stats

Str base 8 +3 tome +8 Ench -19
Dex base 8 +2 tome +9 ench -19
Con base 16 +3 tome +1 feat +9 ench -29 33 in lich mode
Int base 24 +3 tome +6 feat +10 ench -43 45 in lich mode
Wis base 10 +2 tome +8 ench -20 22 in lich mode
Cha base 14 +2 tome +9 ench -25 27 in lich mode

In Lich mode
HP 532
SP 2613

fort 27
reflex 33
will 33
fort 100

Spidersilk robes,
int 8
potency 72
wizardy 9

also have Fblue dragon-scale
and lv 20 Robe of Shadow

War Wizards amulet

Shard of Xoriat +2 to DC, got to be something better

magewright cloak
Magewright Spectacles (Set)

Eerie belt Got to be something better to go here. not running tod anymore, so Pffft. on the set.

Epic Buccaneer

GS Con OP Supreme Gloves

Cannith boots

Con +7 Prot+6 Ring Was holding out for the ToD ring but never run the quest anymore)

STR +6 Bracers (not even sure what to put here)

GS Helm, (Spell power 200sp) Incineration guard, int skills, aspect of fire

Wizards Orb (in use
Pale Rod (in Use

madstone skull

Epic house P Cloak for the light res, when needed in Undead form.
EH Skyvault shield
Deaths touch
Epic helm of tragedy

Vibrant purple ioun stone, upgraded (200sp Spell pen 9)