I have not seen a single Dev response to the Bugged Heal power of the Endless Flask of Rum.
I don't give a elf what your personal opinions about the grindiness of upgrading the Flask was/is.
Dev Tracker did not bring up any Dev responses to the issue so I am inclined to believe they either don't know or don't care and nothing will ever be said or done like so many other things.
All it takes is one Dev to grow a pair and speak up and say....
"Yes we know the cure/ailment effect of the Heal part of the ML 11 Endless Flask of Rum is Bugged and will be F(ix)ed in the future"
"Yes only the Positive Hit Point Heal part of the ML 11 Endless Flask of Rum was included and the cure/ailment removal portion of the Heal spell does not. This is Working As Intended"
Just something.
Or are yall too busy polishing your new "release" to bother with this?