Since I have no patience for digging up my old thread, here's a new list:
-+4 Con tome
-EE Ring of Shadows
-EE Windlasher
-EE +8 enhancement CHA Blue Dragon Helm
-EH +3 Insight INT Blue Dragon Hem
-EE Silver Ingot Arcanum
-EE Crystalline Scepter
-EE Gloves of Forgotten Craft
-EE Giantcraft Siberys Compass
-EE Hammer of Leaden Clouds
-EE Tortured Livewood Bow
-EE Thunderstorm Crescent
-EH Bronze Ingot Arcanum
-EN Jeweled Cloak
-EN Treads of Falling Shade
-EN Nether Grasps
-EN Impulse Shadowmail
-Drow Khopesh of Combat Mastery +5
-Drow Quarterstaff of Stun +10
-Drow Scimitar of Vertigo +10
-Hide of the Goristro - Stun +10
-Medium Eberron Dragonshards
-Small Eberron Dragonshards
-300+ Major Mneumonics
-100+ Restored Dragon Relics
-Ring of Ancestors
-Flawless Red/Green/Black/Blue/White Scales
-Sirocco x4
-Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
-Alchemical Greataxe
-Alchemical Scimitar x2
-Alchemical Rapier
-Earthgrab Chainmail of Omniscience
-Silver/Adamantine/Cold Iron Studded Handwraps AML 20
-Silver/Adamantine/Cold Iron Dwarven Axes AML 20
-Silver/Adamantine/Cold Iron Khopeshes AML 20
-120 Magnetism Quarterstaff of Major Necro Focus
-120 Impulse Handwraps of Major Evocation Focus
-120 Radiance Scepter of Major Necro Focus
-Lesser/Regular/Greater Convalescent Bracers of Superior Parrying
-Tough Cloak of Resistance +7
-Large Slot Cloak
-Gazillion Epic Scrolls - just ask
-Globe of Imperial Blood
-EE Jorgundal's Collar
-STR/CON Helm of the Black Dragon (Whatever tier)
-Raid Timers