EE Black Helm, Str +3 - top priority, many millions of pp or whatever you want
Globe of True Imperial Blood
EE Ring of Shadows
EE Ghost-Waking Cloak
EE Nether Grasps
Alchemical Tower Shield
+10 vertigo/+2 con Dun'robar
Conv/Lesser Conv of Superior Parrying Bracer w/slot
+1/+3 heart of wood
Bypasses, Otto's Box, TP, Plat
For Trade:
Seal of Dun'robar +7 con/stunning 10
EE Wizard's Ward corrosion
Planar Focus Prowess +8 str
Embrace of the Spider Queen +3 str
Docent of Defiance
Stave of the Seer (U17)
+7 Primal (+10 inherent/+10% absorb elemental) of Spearblock Shield ML25 Bound/ASE
+6 Holy Burst of Debilitation (Weakening/Enfeebling/Stunning 10) Daxe ML25
+3 Weakening/Virulent (Wounding/Puncturing/Poison Burst) Heavy Repeater ML18
+2 Weakening/Virulent (Weakening/Enfeebling/Poison Burst) Bastard Sword w/Colorless slot ML18 RR:Horc UMD:24
+1 Forceful (Telekinetic/Force Burst) Heavy Repeater ML8
+1 Pandemonium (Screaming/Thundering/Roaring) Kopesh ML8
+1 Vorpal Throwing Axe ML10
+1 Icy Burst/Virulent (Wounding/Puncturing/Poison Burst) GAxe ML6 RR:Elf UMD:14
+2 Icy Burst Oceanic (Tidal Burst/Freezing Ice/Crushing Wave) of Supreme Chaos Rapier ML25
+5 Oceanic (Tidal Burst/Freezing Ice/Crushing Wave) of the Sun's Fury (Brilliance, Flaming Blast) Dagger ML24 RR:Elf UMD:42
+6 Reconstruction +120 Scepter of Enchantment Mastery (+3)
+6 Magnetism +120 Scepter of Enchantment Mastery (+3)
various +6 of elemental mastery
+7 Thorn Guard Celestial Leather of Greater Reinforcement (Protection +6, DR 6/-) ML25
Glaciation +102 Tiara of Alertness (Dodge 3%, HA 4) w/Colorless slot ML24
Dex +7 Ring of Resistance +7
Wis +7 Necklace of Major Luck (Resistance +6, Good Luck +2)
Red/Black/Blue/White scales
Greensteel Blanks
Cannith Cells
Will continue to update.