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As for skills, on the build that I have I didn't go for Overwhelming Critical, so I didn't start with as much Str. Think I started Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8.
That gets you 6 skill points a level for your artificer and monk levels, and 8 for your ranger levels until you get a +2 Int tome down at level 7, which pushes you up to 7 and 9.
Artificer levels - Spot, Search, Disable, Open Lock, UMD, Concentration
Ranger levels - Spot, Search, Disable x2, UMD x2, Concentration, whatever you're behind on
Monk levels - Spot, UMD x2, Concentration, Disable, Search
I used the extra point on ranger levels to keep Search and Disable climbing. It's worth planning the skills out beforehand, and remember that you can afford to stop increasing Spot at around 18-20 ranks, since you have a high Wis to go along with it. I find Search to be more important than Disable Device, since you are adding a d20 roll to your Disable, and can retry, whereas Search is a yes or no issue. As such, I made sure to get a full 23 ranks in UMD, Search, and Concentration, about 20 ranks in Spot, 4 in Open Lock, and whatever I had left in Disable Device (20+). Oh, and I stuck one rank into Tumble somewhere.
If you're going for OC,well, that changes things a bit. I haven't bothered trying to figure out the stats for that yet, or how the skills would work. I'd say a place to scrimp would be Dex, which you can drop to a starting 15 if you've got a +4 tome and don't want to bother with Combat Archery (not a great move, I think, for if they ever fix it, but fine for now). Otherwise...you probably need to give up something. You don't need quite as much Con on an archer since you spend most of your time out of melee range.