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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default League of Part Time Gamers recruiting on Khyber

    League of Part Time Gamers is a small lvl 61 guild (soon to be 62) looking to add more regular players to keep us growing. We have about 6 fairly regular PuG'ers and another 6 not so regular. We're US based and play mostly between the hours of noon and midnight Central Standard-ish, but don't discriminate against the time zone impaired. Though a little friendly jabbing may occur. We're not a roleplaying group, nor a group that seeks to "win" DDO. Heck, I don't think any of us have run most of the latest Epic content, and have managed to miss some of the more common raids despite years of playing. So, we are very noob friendly, but want mature players. This doesn't mean we don't take kids, we just expect everyone to play well with others. We would very much like to get another half dozen or so members and put together a regular weekly raid night, but we're probably not going to have required guild meetings or a web page or any of that....unless a new officer rises out of the ranks. Huh, what was that? Who said that?
    Anyway, We're just looking for players to join us in having fun taking the game at our own pace. So, if you're on Khyber and you're a good soloer just looking for nice quiet guild to hide in, or maybe you want to find a guild you can become a leader in and make all of those big guild activities happen, or maybe you have a few friends looking to get your group in a guild with nice buffs with out all the hassles, or you're just looking for a casual guild, maybe LoPTG is for you. If interested, drop a message or a tell to Akrono (I'm the guild leader) or Styrne (our main recruiter who is mostly available a little later in the evenings.)

    Good luck and good gaming all!

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Level Up!

    We've hit 62 no and have a core group of about 6 really earning the renown. Could still use more.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Level Up, Up!

    Hey! Hey! Another level in less than a month. We really do have a hard working core group, but we have about 5 spots open if the post above interests you.

    Alright back to the game. Good Luck all!
    - Akrono

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