Yes, another cove suggestion. Full of em eh?
As most of us hopefully know by now, the cove is a pretty big "group" effort to kick off. For those that dont know, it requires a lot of people to turn in map pieces collected via prying them from the cold dead fingers of pirates (usually). Once enough map pieces are turned in globally on the server, access to the crystal cove quest is granted for 40 mintues. I actually love this concept. The problem? When its quiet and not many people are on, its nigh impossible to get the cove event going in a "timely" fashion. Its quite often many, many hours before the doors to the quest open.
My suggested solution (should people feel this is a problem as well)?
Increase map drop rates, and the quantities in which the maps are dropped, based on how long its actually been since the cove event has been initiated. I live in australia and by the time im on its basically "night time" where the bulk of the population who plays the game lives- which means my chances of running the cove much are pretty **** slim. Im lucky to see the doors open 2 times over the course of my entire night. Id like to see the rates increased over time to the point that even a relatively "small group" of people trying to open the doors could do so after an hour or two. Maybe base the amount of the increase not just on time since the last event, but on the actual amount of map pieces being turned in.
If its been a long time since its opened, and not many map peices are being turned in, its safe to say its "pretty dead", and will be a loooooong time before the doors will open- which is disappointing for those of us who are on during quiet nights who would like to run this quest but cant.