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  1. #1
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    Default Khyber Confessions

    Were you the one who screwed up the raid and no one knew who it was?
    Were you the one who pulled the lever that killed everyone in your group?
    Did you rip of a noob?
    Did you do something in RL you want to confess?

    Anonymously send in your Khyber Confessions here! I will not be able to see your name. The confessions will be updated in this thread.
    Last edited by Sweyn; 03-03-2013 at 06:34 PM.
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  2. #2
    Community Member Kilbar's Avatar
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    I botched at least one raid (Demon Queen) for everyone, but I owned up to it at the time. I can't remember what I did exactly (I still don't run that raid very often out of shame), but whatever I did meant that only I could loot the chest for some reason. I was so horrified by what I'd done, I just logged without looting it.

  3. #3
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    "i hate noobs, i always kick em from grp because of low hp, most of the time i auto kick then send a tell to them "
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  4. #4
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    "I left someone's soul stone 11 seconds from the shrine, finished the quest, then recalled so he couldn't loot... noob didnt do anything to help in the quest"
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  5. #5
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    "I once locked in an annoying pug in the top crystal spawn room at the end of the Titan raid and left him there to rot."
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  6. #6
    Hero NancyD's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    My man cleric clicked on a PUG shroud once and was declined although they had no healers yet. I asked the leader why, and he said, "Your healing is not up to my high standards." I thanked him for the response and remembered the name. Not the first or I am sure the last time I'll be declined, but the pompous "high standards" line amused me and made it memorable.

    So, like a month later, lol, yes I know, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I have an LFM up on an alt for something light, I think eclaw, and this guy clicks it and I decline him. And he asks. And I say, "Your play is not up to my high standards." Really, just out of curiosity, to see if he too would thank me for the feedback, as I had for him.

    And, hilariously, he absolutely cuts loose on me. For like 5 minutes I am getting tells. I don't respond. He starts sending super detailed tells about how the gear he has on just this one toon is far superior to all my toons combined, and that he okays far superior to me, and then adds, "by the way, who are you, do I know you?"

    When I see things like that, I am reminded of a great piece of advice that a great player, Zooo..ool, once kindly shared with me. He said, "You have to remember, a lot of the people playing this game are kids." I have never forgotten that. People who behave like 13-year olds can be quite forgiven if they are in fact 13.

    NancyPDoyle, Dubitable, Bluer, Perisher, NPD, OttoAttack, and others, all on Khyber

  7. #7
    Community Member Kilbar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NancyD View Post
    My man cleric clicked on a PUG shroud once and was declined although they had no healers yet. I asked the leader why, and he said, "Your healing is not up to my high standards." I thanked him for the response and remembered the name. Not the first or I am sure the last time I'll be declined, but the pompous "high standards" line amused me and made it memorable.

    So, like a month later, lol, yes I know, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I have an LFM up on an alt for something light, I think eclaw, and this guy clicks it and I decline him. And he asks. And I say, "Your play is not up to my high standards." Really, just out of curiosity, to see if he too would thank me for the feedback, as I had for him.

    And, hilariously, he absolutely cuts loose on me. For like 5 minutes I am getting tells. I don't respond. He starts sending super detailed tells about how the gear he has on just this one toon is far superior to all my toons combined, and that he okays far superior to me, and then adds, "by the way, who are you, do I know you?"

    When I see things like that, I am reminded of a great piece of advice that a great player, Zooo..ool, once kindly shared with me. He said, "You have to remember, a lot of the people playing this game are kids." I have never forgotten that. People who behave like 13-year olds can be quite forgiven if they are in fact 13.
    Sadly, just as many people who act 13 actually are 31. I don't often put groups together (I prefer to run solo) but if I'd been in his place I'd have accepted you and even if you performed horribly, I'd assume you either didn't know the raid or were having a bad night. Neither is the end of the world. But that's just me.

  8. #8
    Hero NancyD's Avatar
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    So my friend Bialdi was running an evon5/6 with his buddies and I was in Vent with him. And there was this troll from that other forum, who has since left the game, who was throwing a big baby fit about me planning to guild with Bialdi. He was always throwng some baby fit for attention, and I was one of his go-to targets as he postured as an ITG.

    So Bialdi and some of his ATG (actually tough guy) friends invited this person, let's call him IP for immature person, to run in the von, because, they said, they wanted to teach him a lesson. Bialdi said IP had to learn a lesson about respecting his elders on Khyber. They told me in Vent to go to the right, and while they would count down party audio from 5, I was to hit the wisdom rune and then range on 3. They sent also sent right IP and someone from vent to do strength to pull on 3. Well, I did what they asked in Vent, and to IP, it looked like I had pulled early. He started loudly declaring that I had screwed up even as the doors opened.

    He fell silent.

    One of Bialdi's friends told IP to please just watch while I killed the minor ads before the bridge. His toon started to walk up the bridge to make the jump and he was at that point certain something was up and was flustered and he fell off the bridge into the lava. He nearly died but I instinctively healed him.

    The guys in Vent nearly killed me for healing him, but eventually laughed it off. IP was quiet for the rest of the quest.

    I was never comfortable with that Von run, BTW. I didn't know when I joined that 10 peopke in Vent were going to be spending the raid messing with IP, and I think they thought I would take some satisfaction in watching them mess with a guy who billed himself as Big Man on Campus. ITG was going out of his way to mess with me, and Bialdi's view to defend his friend, not Rob-like blame the victim. It wasn't actually fun for me. But it was suoer surprising.

    I was startled, as I reflected on the raid, to realize what I had just witnessed: that there are some really old time players in Khyber that will normally ignore the likes of IP, but if someone like IP does too much uncontrollable drama, they will spend some time cuffing the young upstarts. Back in the day, maybe not so much now, the best in the top guilds kinda sometimes consulted and coordinated in how to reign in some of Khyber's more rambunctious drama llamas.

    Join dates lke mine, 2009, didn't impress those vets. And it is those guys, not the drama queen bullies, that you need to steer clear of. Because the real old school players can make you walk your own toon into a lava pit, lol. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. ****. Of course, after that embarassment, IP spent a lot of time hating on me even more, lol, while always denying it. But while he lived and played on Khyber, I told no in cept my husband and Keely the lava story. 'Cause those were the only two who I thought knew me well enough to really believe I didn't enjoy that von raid.

    Khyber's not that way anymore. Most of the real old school players have left, not all, but there's no informal system to reign in the drama. It's the Scottish Highlands, each man for himself, nowadays. No one is made to walk the plank into lava through psychological warfare. Just as well.

    NancyPDoyle, Dubitable, Bluer, Perisher, NPD, OttoAttack, and others, all on Khyber

  9. #9
    Hero NancyD's Avatar
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    Oh, and then there was the time that me and a Rev guy were tag-teaming Buki. We had him briefly persuaded that if one took all 3 ranks on the dragonmark of passage and acquired ddoor on one's cleric, an enahncement line would pop up that would let you spend some APs to get even more wisdom, i was laughing so hard afterward I couldn't tell the story.

    The joke is on me because the first cleric I levelled did have ddoor.

    NancyPDoyle, Dubitable, Bluer, Perisher, NPD, OttoAttack, and others, all on Khyber

  10. #10
    Community Member Anzanel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NancyD View Post
    ... Because the real old school players can make you walk your own toon into a lava pit, lol.
    Haha! All it would take for me is "I'll give you an SP potion if you jump into the lava." Or simply time, because I always fall into the lava in VoN5 at least once.

    I don't have any good confessions myself. Just the occasional joining of a raid while still being on timer (or not flagged) and looking like an idiot as a result. Or being the only one to die in the quest most of the time. Okay, and pulling a minotaur onto the ship in Crystal Cove every now and then.

  11. #11
    Community Member Kilbar's Avatar
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    I can understand why you weren't necessarily comfortable with what transpired there. I wouldn't have been either. On the other hand, the dungskull had it coming...

  12. #12
    Community Member SoloPhalanx's Avatar
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    I greased the party, killing Goodthings (unsure of what char he was in) as he was leading a CitW, just before the last fight.

    I confessed, and I believe that earned me a /squelch or two!
    Quadrovault | Quadrotune | Hyperyon

  13. #13
    Hero NancyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoloPhalanx View Post
    I greased the party, killing Goodthings (unsure of what char he was in) as he was leading a CitW, just before the last fight.

    I confessed, and I believe that earned me a /squelch or two!
    Ah, confession is good for the soul! Grease is good.

    NancyPDoyle, Dubitable, Bluer, Perisher, NPD, OttoAttack, and others, all on Khyber

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoloPhalanx View Post
    I greased the party, killing Goodthings !
    Ohhhhh Killing Goodthings ! that's a huge crime !

    No Owy you can't give him a price for doing that !
    ABBYdoll : Blond Brain - Huge butt (don't stay behind or you will see nothing)
    ABBYhawk : No Brain - Big Muscles (never trust him)
    Fyros : A noob with a Great Heart (have no expectation and you will be happy)

  15. #15
    Community Member wildbynature's Avatar
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    I take back everything I ever said about how much bards suck and will do five hail mystras and two our elminsters. Bards rule. I see the light.
    --Pealea, Peawee, worldpeas, givepeas achance, and whoopea on Khyber

  16. #16
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Default Bombs away

    I have a confession, I was a bad, bad girl!

    About a month ago, I was in a group on Saalutaball with Fawngate and 4 other people getting flagged on elite for MA and LOB raids. By the end of the bomb quest, everyone in party had died except for I decided to be very bad and when we all d-doored back to the beginning to get our chests, I placed a bomb and ran. Got the whole party including Fawn I was nice and rezzed everyone so they could get the chests, but it made me happy for a moment or two

    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  17. #17
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    Default I confess....

    I piked 3 consecutive life's on SDSF and doing the same on tesch. Who needs sploits.

  18. #18
    Community Member Blue_wizards's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoloPhalanx View Post
    I greased the party, killing Goodthings (unsure of what char he was in) as he was leading a CitW, just before the last fight.

    I confessed, and I believe that earned me a /squelch or two!
    Forgiven and forgotten buddy. Besides it's not like you killed anyone important.
    We had a good time thikning up the worst possible places to use grease afterwards.
    Was the most fun I had during the deluge cutscene

    My toons:

    Goodthings, Goodtings, Lichlordd, Goldmooon, Blackart, Catalyster.

  19. #19
    Community Member SoloPhalanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_wizards View Post
    Forgiven and forgotten buddy. Besides it's not like you killed anyone important.
    We had a good time thikning up the worst possible places to use grease afterwards.
    Was the most fun I had during the deluge cutscene

    My toons:

    Goodthings, Goodtings, Lichlordd, Goldmooon, Blackart, Catalyster.
    Expect me and my grease on an EE Tor Blue Dragon....
    Quadrovault | Quadrotune | Hyperyon

  20. #20
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    Recently finished a very messy raid with many deaths.

    Noticed afterwards I was wearing my pirate hat the whole raid, rather than my min II GS helm. Ergo, I had no fort item on entire raid.

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