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My man cleric clicked on a PUG shroud once and was declined although they had no healers yet. I asked the leader why, and he said, "Your healing is not up to my high standards." I thanked him for the response and remembered the name. Not the first or I am sure the last time I'll be declined, but the pompous "high standards" line amused me and made it memorable.
So, like a month later, lol, yes I know, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I have an LFM up on an alt for something light, I think eclaw, and this guy clicks it and I decline him. And he asks. And I say, "Your play is not up to my high standards." Really, just out of curiosity, to see if he too would thank me for the feedback, as I had for him.
And, hilariously, he absolutely cuts loose on me. For like 5 minutes I am getting tells. I don't respond. He starts sending super detailed tells about how the gear he has on just this one toon is far superior to all my toons combined, and that he okays far superior to me, and then adds, "by the way, who are you, do I know you?"
When I see things like that, I am reminded of a great piece of advice that a great player, Zooo..ool, once kindly shared with me. He said, "You have to remember, a lot of the people playing this game are kids." I have never forgotten that. People who behave like 13-year olds can be quite forgiven if they are in fact 13.