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  1. #1
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    Default The Drunk Caster (18 druid/2 monk)

    Drunk Caster (18 Druid/2 Monk) "So easy, you can do EE drunk!"

    *Disclaimer: This build relies heavily on TRs to provide just the little pushes to make it viable. However, this build still functions quite well with minimal (4 items) gear (really only handwraps, ring(+5 combat mastery), intricate field goggles, and blue helm are needed). I made this build to be effective in EE with a two other players: a wf earth savant and a human pm (both multiple TRs). However, I suspect this build will perform admirably well in almost any party makeup (solo included). I am not claiming this to be an end all be all build - it meets MY needs and many of MY wants.

    1) Reliant and Sustainable CC
    2) Self-healing
    3) Meaningful DPS contribution to a party
    4) Survivability

    Explanation of Build Concept and How it meets these Goals:
    1. In EE content, battles come in two forms: the all out skirmishes and the 1-4 mob brawls. Stunning Fist allows me to deal with the 1-4 mob brawls fairly well (albeit slowly). The all out skirmishes are dealt primarily with sleet storm + earthquake + ice storm. If the situation warrants Everything is Nothing is used (this could be to clear the trash from a boss fight/mini-boss fight/annoying trash/a group of casters). By using a renewable source - ki - to power my CC in the smaller battles, I am able to save my SP for those bigger battles.

    2. Druid with Regeneration and Heal - meets the requirement.

    3. I've already explained how I deal with trash - cc let my party members deal with them while providing meh dps myself. In a boss fight, I have two options: normal mode or caster mode. In caster mode, I have the full set of metamagics + ~350 spell power for cold and electric (depending on enhancements) which allows me to provide a healthy amount of bursts with my cold dots, call lightning, etc etc. That said the caster mode shines when fighting multiple bosses, I can keep full dots on two - possibly 3 - at the same time. That being said the normal mode involves me supplementing my sub-par hand-to-hand dps with dots and aoe spell buffs (storm of veng, call lightning storm, etc). Both modes although below both a full fledged sorc and a full fledged barb - is absolutely noticeable and meaningful. I'll have it known that this build often out dps-es the palemaster in my group - and occasionally when multiple bosses are involved out dps-es the earth savant.

    4. It used to be that self healing implied survivability. Unfortunately, thats just not true when EE mobs throw out those ridiculous numbers: therefore it has become necessary to position yourself so you don't get hit or minimize the chance that the mobs hit you and for how much they hit when they do. This build relies on getting upfront and personal with mobs so the positioning method is out. I have done my best with this build to accomplish number two. Ring of Shadows (EE version) with dodge 4% on ring + various other sources of dodge, on top of a bit of AC and PRR: provide enough to meet MY needs; however, I am still modifying various things to try to improve this as this is one of the areas where MY wants aren't met.

    Starting Stats (36 pt):
    Str – 14 + 3(tome) + 2(enh) + 11(items)-2(ocean) = 28
    Dex – 14 +3(tome) + 10(items) = 27
    Con – 15 +4(tome)+11(items) = 30
    Int – 8 + 2(tome) = 10
    Wis – 18 +6(lvl)+4(enh)+6(destiny)+4(tome)+2(ocean)+12(item s)+2(alchemical) = 54
    Cha – 8 + 3(tome) + 6(item) + 1(exceptional bonus) = 18

    *noticeably ship buffs and yugo pots have both been left out of these calculations as i believe this build functions decently without them - they are only +'s not necessities.

    Leveling Order:
    Monk: 2, 9
    Druid: 1, 3-8, 10-20

    Past Lives:
    Wiz 1x
    Sorc 2x
    *Ideally additional past lives will be done – 1 sorc, 3 fighter, 3 rogue, 3 monk

    1: max
    1(human): emp
    2(monk): toughness
    3: wiz PL
    6: twf
    9: quicken
    9(monk): stunning fist
    12: spell focus: evo
    15: heighten
    18: greater spell focus: evo
    21: itwf
    24: gtwf

    Concentration, Balance, UMD (for raise dead and teleport scrolls), Jump (take enough pts to have 10 in it unbuffed)

    Saves (I can't figure out how I got my numbers to be the way they are: 44/53/62):
    Fort – 14 +4(GH) +7(res)+1(alch)+2(luck)+10(stat) = 38
    Reflex – 9 + 4(GH) +7(res) + 1(alch) + 2(luck) +8(stat)+1(haste) = 32
    Will – 14+4(GH)+ 7(res) + 1(alch) + 2(luck) +22(stat) = 50

    Gear (all items EE for maximum augment slots/versatility):
    Weapon: Alchemical Handwraps – air/ice/air / Twilight (full caster)
    Armor: Blue Dragonscale Robe
    Helm: Blue Dragon Helm +8 wis
    Goggles: Intricate Field Optics +3 wis / GS Clicky/Energy Absorption Items (situational)
    Cloak: Jeweled Cloak
    Ring 1: Ring of Shadows
    Ring 2: Seal of House Dun (+2 con, + 5 exceptional combat mastery))
    Boots: SP Item
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Immortality / Backstabbers Gloves (trash)
    Bracers: Ceaseless Toil
    Necklace: Iron Beads
    Belt: Shroud HP
    Trinket: Holy Symbol of Lolth / +3 wis focus of erudition (full caster)

    Epic Destiny:

    1) Evocation Augmentation
    2) Evocation Specialist
    3) Endless Faith

    Spell DCs:
    Evocation – 10(base) + 9(level)+3(feats) + 2(SF item) +2(PL) + 3(twist) + 22(wis) = 51
    Necromancy - 10(base) + 9(level)+1(feats) + 2(SF item) + 22(wis) = 44

    Stunning Fist:
    10 (base) + 10(level) + 22(wis) + 10(stunning)+5(exc combat mastery) + 3(ED) = 60

    Everything is Nothing:
    20(base) + 25 + 11(wis) = 56

  2. #2
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    spot held for now

  3. #3
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    I have a very similar build 17/3 with some slight variations and much worse gear then yours - and less destiny stuff. So ill toss in my feedback for you to chew over.

    EE feedback:
    Heighten: earthquake gives +1 dc... and that's about all, the other stuff makes your spells prohibitively expensive (call lighting) or boosts non-evocation spells up to irrelevancy anyways. You might consider swaping this for epic spell focus: evocation. I currently have heighten and I'm not pleased with it.

    Level split: I'm sure you thought about 3 monk, but have you considered 1 wizard? I'm toying with the idea of wizard for a feet, some spells, and 40 stacking spell power.

    Empower healing: renewal/coccon/regenerate/heal are all only boosted by empower healing, might be worth considering.

    Melee: you are using 4 feets for melee, have you thought about the wolf rout where you take just stunning fist and improved critical, freeing up 2 more feets? I don't know how the damage compares.

    You might want to twist in legendary tactics for 6 more stunning fist DC especially if you stray into different destinies.

    Do you know if druid cold dots stack arcane dots? has this been fixed yet? Also what do you do when you face up vs a boss that's heavily resistant to cold? I'm guessing you run ~2000 mana, does that really last long enough? I seem to burn my mana so fast, mobs are laying on the ground but i cant do anything to them!

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Hey I just want to chip in my input,

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    EE feedback:
    Heighten: earthquake gives +1 dc
    can live without. but in order to CC the Reflex Monsters (tm), ull need min-max everything. altho i would argue that u dont actually need to be able to CC everything in EE, high reflex monsters should be handled by other means. It's more sensible that way.

    However particularly nowadays the CC wizard is in rare-supply (bcuz theyre so not worth it), a powerful CC is in ultra-high-demand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Level split: I'm sure you thought about 3 monk, but have you considered 1 wizard? I'm toying with the idea of wizard for a feet, some spells, and 40 stacking spell power.
    3 monk also gives Aligning the Heavens which is a -25% spell pt cost buff. it's better than 1 wizard feat + 120 sp imo.
    also the 40 wizard spell power doesn't stack, but wizard have +40 Force for 1 pt, which can't be had otherwise on druid. but you have no spell to make use of it except that true balance spell (cant remember name).

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Empower healing: renewal/coccon/regenerate/heal are all only boosted by empower healing, might be worth considering.
    Yeah empower healing is better than quicken imo. it means you can main heal. And also your regenerate ticks are higher which increased passive survival for your entire team.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Melee: you are using 4 feats for melee, have you thought about the wolf rout where you take just stunning fist and improved critical, freeing up 2 more feets? I don't know how the damage compares.
    you can't because monks can't wear shields, so you can't take improved shield mastery which completely gimps the wolf build

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Also what do you do when you face up vs a boss that's heavily resistant to cold? I'm guessing you run ~2000 mana, does that really last long enough? I seem to burn my mana so fast, mobs are laying on the ground but i cant do anything to them!
    u can't get your damage from creeping cold. you won't be able to support it mana-wise. 5 minutes into an EE instance and youll be out of mana.
    in fact even a 20 druid with all the mental toughness feats can't support it (unless you have infinite mana pots)
    creeping cold is only for burst damage. you have to get your damage from melee and lily petals.
    Last edited by Chobo; 03-08-2013 at 02:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member buddabopp's Avatar
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    one thing for you to remember is that sunbeam / sunburst permanently blinds targets which helps with the surviving part

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