I've been playing for 7+ years so I pretty much know my playing style likes and dislikes. But I've never rolled a monk so I need some help with how to fit one into my play style.

That said, here's my likes and dislikes. I'm not a button masher person or a twitch player. I like/prefer my toons to be self sufficient. On melee toons my preference is to see the big damge numbers float up, but it's not an absolute necessaty.

I've aquired a ton of cool monk gear over the years so I'm giving in. I'm going to TR a first life fighter that's been on the shelf for a while into a monk. He has all +3 tomes in him except Int and Wis those are +2 a will be a 34 point build.

My decision is should I go light or dark? My understanding is that there's far less button mashing as a light monk and they tend to be more self sufficient. Also what race should I take. It's between Horc & Helf. I can go helf and take cleric dilly for wands and scrolls to be self sufficient but I'd lose 4 points in Str by not going Horc. Also if I go Helf is dark elf then just as viable for being self sufficient and now it's just a matter of button mashing. Then if it is, again, how much more button mashing is involved to be proficient as a dark monk.

TY in advance for any replies.