I am planning to run a 18/2 Druid/Monk for my druid PL. I ran similar builds for both of my cleric and FvS PLs and I loved it. The toon's final life will be monk, so I have lots of great monk gear (Frozen Tunics, Cove gloves, GS Min2, Tharnes, handwraps, etc...).
I plan to run this toon in elemental form once she hits lvl 15 so I will take the three TWF feats. I keep debating on fire or ice form. The frozen tunic (lvl 16 version w/ master shard to use at 14) allows me to easily slot the cold spell power and crit. I will need to rely on caster weapons for fire if I go that route. I would love to play fire to get the fires of purity and the moving Firewall to add to melee damage. Any recommendations on what you folks enjoyed playing?
I am wondering how a couple of the enhancements work.
1. Natures Warrior adds 1d6 or 2d6 sneak attack damage against enemies how are below 50% health. Does that extra sneak attack damage work if I am in human or elemental form or do I need to be wolf/bear? Also, I will be picking the Helf's rogue dilly for the extra SA damage. Will the Natural warrior SA damage stack with the rogue dilly SA damage?
2. Nature Warden adds 1d6 to spell damage vs. undead. Does the extra damage only apply to single target spells or will it also apply to my AOEs such as firewall and icestorm?
3. Fatal Harrier or Reaving Roar? I was thinking about picking up both, but I could use the extra 3 APs to boost spell damage instead. I was also thinking about using Roar low levels and switching to Harrier at later levels once mobs stopped dying in a couple of hits. I figured that the boost in attack speed would be more usefull. The only drawback I see is that the speed increase is enhancement and will only come into effect at 3 stacks or more since I wil be running in wind stance. Recommendation?
Thank you