The early levels are way too easy.
Give the mobs similar weapons to the players.
I want to see kobolds with repeaters and hobgoblins with +2 flaming greatswords of lacerating . . . .
The early levels are way too easy.
Give the mobs similar weapons to the players.
I want to see kobolds with repeaters and hobgoblins with +2 flaming greatswords of lacerating . . . .
Not all low level players have super twinked weapons, I don't think it's wise to adjust the game to the twinked characters.
That which does not kill you gives you experience points.
Yea... I have a character that I twinked out in crafted gear at low levels. Made everything easy. If the low level game hasn't changed much, for a brand new player, it's still hard enough. Just pug with an untwinked character and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I've done this and the game is pretty challenging at low levels for a player off the street that doesn't know the game, much less so for for a brand new 28pt one that doesn't have a level 3x150 crafting alt where all the quests are brand new to them, and doesn't have millions of plat to equip themselves with stacks of 100 pots.
Go to a new server where you have no previous characters and have at it on elite. Try going alone, without ship buffs. A few things make low level content easy- something not all new players have. Great hand me down gear, ship buffs, knowledge of the quests and game mechanics, and most importantly- its low level content. Its designed to be easy for the new players to get accustomed to the game play. Difficulty should ramp up as the levels ramp up, at least imo.
You do realize that there are new players, and they don't have access to all of that super-awesome gear, right? Not everyone rolls out of korthos with a bank full of gear just waiting for them. Beefing up the early game would only serve to stomp on the new blood and drive them away, which in turn will severely hurt profits for this game and then we will end up back before the F2P conversion with a dying game. No thanks. If the early game is too easy FOR YOU, YOU can make it harder FOR YOU by simply not using all of YOUR twink gear. Run a new character with just what you find in chests, elite streak perma-death. If that is still to easy for you, do it blind-folded.