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  1. #1
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Druzardonk - 36 point Shiradi 17 Druid / 2 Monk / 1 Wizard

    ***Warning: Has throwing feats***

    Goal = CC and Healing in EE.

    I want max Evoc DC to CC in EE. Similarly, I'm taking all the healing jazz (Empower Healing + Quicken at least), and I'd be frustrated if I didn't take Max + Emp for Creeping Cold, so full heal capacity is there.

    I'm taking 2 Monk Levels since Ocean Stance offsets losing the +2 Wis capstone, and grants evasion and much needed feats.

    From there, I don't really see the point in taking Druid 18 over just Druid 17. I'd rather have the extra feat from Wizard 1, the extra 40 spell points Wizard 1 grants over Druid 18, the force enhancement (allegedly granted at level 1 not level 2 per the wiki), and the ability to spam 4 SP magic missiles in shiradi.

    Despite these constraints, I still have a few feats to play with thanks to the bonus feats from human and the splash classes. Naturally, I am using most of them for shurikens (Quick Draw + Shuriken Expertise).

    In all seriousness, spell points will be very tight even just considering Healing and Crowd Control from Earthquake depending on what role I'm doing. While I'll DoT where I can if I think I can afford it, the consistent safe damage from (Double Rainbow + Shiradi Procs + Spelltouched) shurikens is an alternative I like for a character I don't envisage as a dpser.

    So, the build:

    36 point Human
    STR 12
    DEX 16
    CON 14
    INT 8
    WIS 18 + Level-Ups
    CHA 8

    1 Druid 1 Empower, Maximize
    2 Druid 2
    3 Monk 1 Completionist, Shuriken Expertise
    4 Druid 3
    5 Druid 4
    6 Druid 5 Quickdraw
    7 Druid 6
    8 Druid 7
    9 Druid 8 Empower Healing
    10 Druid 9
    11 Druid 10
    12 Druid 11 PL: Wizard
    13 Druid 12
    14 Druid 13
    15 Monk 2 Heighten Spell, Toughness (Evasion)
    16 Druid 14
    17 Druid 15
    18 Druid 16 SF: Evocation
    19 Druid 17
    20 Wiz 1 Quicken Spell
    21 Epic 1 GSF: Evocation
    24 Epic 4 ESF: Evocation

    The levelling order is a bit odd. I wanted Monk early since handwraps for levelling in wolf form yay, but the number of feats with pre-reqs (like meta-magics requiring a caster level and Quick Draw requiring BAB +1) meant I couldn't actually take it at first. Beyond that, I don't think anything is particularly odd.

    If you don't have Completionist and PL: Wizard but want to make this thing, I'd probably grab the Mental Toughnesses.

    On that, if I am disappointed with the performance of shurikens, I'll swap out the throwing feats in favour of Mental Toughness, etc. Maybe pick up Stunning Fist in place of Shuriken Expertise, though I'm not super excited about hanging out in melee.

    Enchancements I'm unsure. DC things. Wis. Cold damage. I honestly am not particularly on top of Druid enhancements since my 'Druid life' only had 7 druid levels.

    EDIT: Will make it some day. Still want to play a wizard though despite DC casting being sup par right now. Think I will roll 'The Arch Monkcher' below instead.

    The real niche it solves is what to do between 10k stars and Manyshot timers. Spam force SLAs and spells!

    I'm tempted to make a separate thread for this but meh. This can just be a weird builds fest.

    36 pt H-Elf
    STR 14
    DEX 16
    CON 14
    INT 12
    WIS 16 + Level-ups
    CHA 8

    Ranger 1 Point Blank Shot, Bow Strength, Dil: Rogue
    Monk 1 Zen Archery
    Ranger 2 Completionist, TWF, Rapid Shot
    Monk 2 Toughness
    Monk 3
    Monk 4 WF: Ranged
    Monk 5
    Monk 6 Dodge <-- Ninja Spy; Stunning Fist a very reasonable alternative outside of EE where melee is not a good idea since the build is le squish.
    Wizard 1 Manyshot, Mental Toughness
    Wizard 2
    Wizard 3
    Wizard 4 IC: Ranged
    Wizard 5 Maximize
    Wizard 6
    Wizard 7 Precise Shot
    Wizard 8
    Wizard 9
    Wizard 10 Improved Precise Shot, SF: Evocation
    Wizard 11
    Wizard 12
    Epic 1 GSF: Evocation <-- Archmage III
    Epic 4 Empower
    Last edited by Deathdefy; 02-28-2013 at 11:45 PM.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

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