The Squirrel Brigade is looking for 1 or 2 active players to round out our guild. We are a small guild that wants to keep our members at 6 if possible. We are looking for people at all levels for Raiding, TRing, Epics and whatever. As of now we have 4 active members that are on at all different times of the day.

Anyone interested should know:

1. No Drama! We are here to have fun. If you are more worried about who pulled what item or who said what to whom then you need not apply.

2. No Guild Jumping! As we hit the higher levels we are finding it harder to keep up with decay. If you like jumping from guild to guild then we are not for you.

3. VIP Preferred! While we do not necessarily discriminate against F2P, we have found that those that have been playing as VIP or 3 or more years seem to have our same ideals.

At the moment we are in the process of TRing some different characters multiple times but we also run other content to. We mainly seem to 2, 3 or 4 man most quests though we will also PuG and solo. We are here to help each other out and to have some company and fun while leveling.

If any of this sounds like it may interest you then PM me here or contact me in game to Garaak. We will meet anyone interested in joining and would prefer to group for a week in different quests to make sure we are a proper fit for each other.

Leader of The Squirrel Brigade
Piraat, Garaak, Grundal, Dhurkhan, Tarvos, Brudder, Blakk