Who's doing this without getting pasted? Get someone to kite and beat on his tale? Trolling for better ideas.
Beat him tonight on EE with ranged that was slow, anyway to speed it up would be great.
First and foremost DDO is a game where combat animations are key. If you are outside the area of effect of a boss's attack, the attack will not hit you, plain and simple. Any physical attack can be avoided in this fashion, and even beam or ball spells can be avoided with appropriate timing and the correct amount of distance. That being said, I think the following tip is something that people need to hear and not JUST for this raid:
***** Learn to not stand still while meleeing. ******
Obviously you're asking this question because when running this raid on EH or EE (or maybe even EN, he can still hit like a truck if you're not fighting him right) you're probably not overgeared to the point that you can just shield block stand still using your PRR to mitigate enough damage that Boss DPS < Healing output.
So here are some tips:
The Truthful One has a few melee attacks, one where he swipes his front paw in an arc in front of him, one where he spins his whole body, and one where he swings his tail twice (there might be others but these three are the most used). All three attacks' animations can be avoided COMPLETELY with proper footwork.
If you see the dragon draw his paw back, it means he's either going to swipe it or spin based on the position of the person holding aggro (if the person is in front, its a claw swipe, if the person is on the side/behind the dragon, it's going to be a full body spin). If he's going for a paw swipe, you are safe from this animation on his side or behind him. If he's going for a full body spin, you need to backpedal as soon as he ***** his arm back (it is key that you learn to watch the positioning of the tank to differentiate between a paw swipe and a full body spin. However due to lag factors, this is not always going to be possible, so don't get too frustrated if it's hard to tell whether he's going to swipe or spin.)
If you see the dragon move his tail back to swing it, you need to move AWAY from the Dragon TOWARDS his head if that makes sense (in other words, you need to be backpedaling and moving towards the front of his body when he pulls his tail back). This will keep you out of the range of his tail swipe.
Using these techniques (barring lag-related problems -- if you or the server drops the wrong packet at the wrong time, you're gonna get hit by one of his attacks, period) it is possible to melee DPS the dragon without EVER taking damage or being hit by his melee attacks IF you are not the focus of the dragon's aggro.
Tips for a melee holding the dragon's aggro:
It is still essential that you move CONTINUOUSLY while holding the dragon's aggro. If you try to stand still and facetank him, you're most likely going to die. If you try to kite him, you'll probably live longer, but the rest of the raid party's melees are likely going to be unable to effectively dps him. The trick is to move in a half-circle or full circle at ALL times. This will keep him in place while keeping you out of his attacks' red zone. If he pulls his paw back to swipe, you need to IMMEDIATELY be moving OUT AND AROUND his body, ending your arc to stand directly under his tail. Whether he spins or swipes, you will avoid damage as long as you move outward from him at the beginning of his animation. Then as long as you end in a position behind him, and are still the primary target of his aggro, he will delay a few moments in an effort to turn around and face you. THIS IS THE KEY -- no matter what attack he is using you NEED to position yourself in a manner that will cause the dragon to turn and face you after the attack. If you stand still and never make him change positions, he will attack CONTINUOUSLY causing much higher overall damage to the other melees who fail to avoid his attacks and causing the healers to have to spam heals to keep people alive.
If you do not have spring attack and it is causing you to miss too often, at the very least learn the technique of standing still for a split second before swinging and then IMMEDIATELY beginning movement again (not two swings, not three swings, not drink a potion, just STOP, SWING, MOVE), or more ideally, acquire the Spring Attack feat or swap some of your gear to earn 4 more attack bonus so you can hit the dragon effectively and keep hate.
For EVERYONE but the tank, the sweet spot is on the dragon's side, that's where you want to be, so you can be prepared to avoid in either dircetion based on whether he swings his paws or his tail.
Pretend this is a top-down view of the dragon, you need to be always thinking about positioning yourself in a manner so that when his attack animation ends, you are standing where it says HERE:
His frontal paw swipes will be completely ineffective as long as this is where you are standing, and you can be easily prepared to move away from him or towards the front of his body if he does a spin or a tail swipe.Code:\ / \ HERE / O-|||||||||------------------ / HERE \ / \
For the tank, there is no "ideal" place to stand. You want to be in front of him but again CONTINUOUSLY moving around him so you will cause him to delay his attacks in an effort to turn and face you. It is also okay to occasionally move directly away from him occasionally if your circling ends up boxing you in a corner or against a wall. Just don't try to do this too much because if the dragon is chasing you you're making it effectively impossible for the other melees to output their dps.
As a final tip, when he flies in the air, if you are the person who he's throwing fireballs at, you need to move BACK AND FORTH in a semicircle with the correct timing (for instance, you want to keep strafing left, wait for him to stop, then suddenly start strafing right SLIGHTLY BEFORE he stops to shoot his fireball, repeating this in a back and forth motion) and you will NEVER GET HIT by a single fireball (no evasion? no problem. Just improve your footwork.)
Using these techniques you can allow your raid party to provide a significant amount of DPS to the Truthful One, cutting down both the time it takes to sliver him and the amount of damage the melees will take during close quarters combat. Both of these factors will lead to SIGNIFICANTLY reduced healer stress and potion usage during this raid.
Source: As my Lv25 Pure Monk I have 3 EE completions, 4 EH completions, and one EN completion (all PUGs except for one EE) this week using the techniques I stated above to manage the Truthful One during the last phase of the raid.
If you were talking about getting railed by his magic attacks and not his melee attacks, you're standing in the wrong place altogether as being on his side where I showed in the doodle above puts you outside the area of effect of his magic 99.99999% of the time (the sliver of a percent margin of error being due to the lag monsters that plague the DDO physics engine).
I hope this helps. I TRed last night but when I get my toon back up to 25, and anyone's interested, I can make a video detailing these techniques better than I can probably describe them in this post.
This is GREAT information. Thanks for the detailed insight.
It's costly to add Dodge, Mobility and Spring Attack for Monks, but on two of my Monks that's received them have not looked back; they have great evasive improvements, and Spring Attack pays for itself in the EE "stick and move" attack. We Monks need that Dodge in EE, among concealment and incorporeality, with PRR as a bonus.
Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide(Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
Has any EE Stalwart evasion tank tried a typical "stand in one spot head-to-head" tanking. Does anyone have experiences from that perspective....again, of a Stalwart evasion tank built for EE?
Purgatorii, great information! Looks like this would be the solution for an evasion tank with low AC and low PRR.
Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide(Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more
We killed him toe to toe just standing still on our EE run just fine. Didn't even have a stalwart along.
I had him for the first 60% health or so, which was a very long time since we had limited dps at that point (out of rage, no weaken undead).
But yea I got tired, let godmode lapse and um he crit me for 1100, about as many hp as I had at that time.
Paladin took over and was fine for the rest of the fight. He had a lot higher fort, bit more prr, and similar hp.
Dont really believe in the above advice of constantly moving. seems a bad strategy. Because if you simply let him knock you into a corner, he will only do his weaker attacks as long as your completely stationary, plus when he flys up, his fireballs cant hit you if your right by a wall.. And yea really no room to move anyways when backed up like that. I mean you might take less dmg, perhaps, but your also slowing down the raid doing it, dont see the point.
Also makes it easier for dps to stay steady and the arcanes to maintain aoes on him like FW/Cloudkill.
Though yea by just fine I mean: Burning through a ton of heal scrolls.. Which a ranged tank could do it with probably zero healing. Broken AI is Broken.
Last edited by Shade; 03-04-2013 at 01:25 PM.
I play mostly melee toons, and I was the only melee on our EE FoT completion on the day of live release. Firstly, why is it broken that an Epic Undead Dragon's mouth isn't something you should stand and stare into like a training dummy? From any perspective: tactical or roleplaying, if you could range, why wouldn't you???
Also, RANGED TANKING: I noticed since the Poisoned Well quest that no matter how much hate a ranged caster DOT'er or archer has on the dragon, if a melee moves withing melee range, the green dragon will switch aggro to the melee it can it. This seems like smart AI to me (as opposed to the old AI, where you could perch the original VON1, crit-fish a firewall, bake... then melee could come in and beat down with impunity since the mobs never switch aggro off the caster they couldn't reach).
If you mean KITE-TANKING: Why does this mean BROKEN? It's another strategy. A legitimate strategy. I is risky and requires a great build and high player skill to execute and coordinate.
What's broken is to expect the same tactic to work in every raid in every MMO: the oppressive "holy trinity" (TANK, healer, dps). BTW, on that first run of ours, where we only had a party of 11 and only 1 player had ever done the raid before (on Lam), we completed in our first attempt "learning run" in about 45min and about 87 pots (mostly for DOTs, not heals), as much or less than a brute force completion. (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p...05&postcount=1) We do it a lot more efficiently now and are still experimenting with different tactics. Weird right? We are experimenting and not assuming one old way of thinking is the best way; and if it's hard or doesn't work, concluding the design MUST BE BROKEN.
The Devs have created an excellent new raid that's fresh and fast! I won't be sad if I never see (or hear) Ana again... Also, don't always assume first that the AI is broken... maybe it's not the "artificial" intelligence that's broken.
I realize I've done a very dangerous thing here. You can't reason with a Frenzied Spartan. The last guy who tried to reason with a Frenzied Spartan was yelled at and thrown down a well... But I was told that sarcasm was against the forum rules.
Last edited by Keybreaker; 03-05-2013 at 09:49 AM.
Keybreaker, Exalted Tyrants
Maybe it's time for melee's to all make triple positive returning hammers. At least they'll be cheap and noone will have an excuse not to have a Raise Dead clicky anymore.
I'm amazed at how many people think tank-and-spank is the only legitimate way to down a boss, and should be made the best strategy in every raid. It's as if there aren't enough raids already using tank-and-spank. All these years I've never seen anyone kite-tank horoth or suulo or the CAD or xyzzy or the LOB ...
Yes, your melee is bad for once. Get over it. It's happened before to ranged, arcanes, melee using strange weapons (quarterstaff), stalwarts, etc.
Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
My Builds : Abbot Raid Manual : Weapon Damage Modeler : My Trades
"Broken" might be too strong of a word but the raid is a little too punishing for melees. "One small mistake and you're dead" is what I consider to be too punishing.
I'm not a big fan of having to have a certain type of group to complete something easily, I like a plethora of viable options. The FoT's I've been in with lots of ranged have gone a hell of a lot smoother than the heavy melee runs even with the same players.
Don't get me wrong, I love ranged toons and love when they get a chance to shine. But the pendulum has swung a bit far on this raid.
Cannith - Sorrion - Glassbones - Galodon - Farsnipe
Sarlona - Glassbones
What makes you think we haven't seen this before?
The fact that there exists a standard term, 'ranged kiting', for this strategy invalidates the 'more of an exploit' part.
Look on the bright side: maybe we won't have a "buff ranged! Nao!" thread on the forums. This week.
Last edited by SableShadow; 03-05-2013 at 02:21 PM.
Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen
No! NOOOO! It is not! It is broken and wrong. Using strategy and/or tactics is CHEATING!
The only acceptable way to complete a quest or raid is to have one or more people scream "LEROY JENKINS!" while a Cleric or FvS bombards them with Hjeals through a metaphysical IV line.
Sure other strategies then just tank/melee/healer should work in game, but quite frankly ranged kiting is more of an exploit then a strategy. A cool ranged strategy would be two high hate archers with high diplomacy scores constantly bouncing a target between each other. Now something like that is cool and takes skill, but out running a raid boss because the raid boss is slow is something else altogether.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.