I said it already; this is a suggestion forum, not an argue with the OP forum because you don't like the idea. You being here and arguing with me, while slightly entertaining (and tiring) means absolutely squat, because it's not you or your fellows that decide what gets changed and what doesn't, it's whether or not Turbine thinks the idea is relevant and worth looking at. If it changes, it changes. If it doesn't, it doesn't. I could really care less. I merely thought the idea was worth presenting, so I made a post about it.
You people can talk over me all you want, tell me how awesome you are at the game and how you saw this miles away, how you have all these great ideas for getting by the problem, and how you don't think it's a problem to begin with. That's great, but arguing with me won't get your way any more than arguing with you will get my way. It's just boring and nonsensical.
The ultimate irony; you're acting like your opinion means more than mine when you say "Here's how you get around it, no problem at all". Again, I don't care, I already see your suggestions and workarounds because I'm not a moron that can't figure it out for himself. It's simply not the point.
Thanks for your time.