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  1. #1
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    Default 18 FvS / 2 Pal without DC or Spell Pen


    I am considering using a LR to change my 20 FvS / 5 Epic evoker with 3 past lives (Wiz, Sorc and FvS) and +4 tomes to all stats into a 18 FvS / 2 Pal / 5 Epic light caster - and I am looking for advice.

    Right now I can fairly easily solo any quest on EH, adequately heal raids (I am the only healer in my 10 player guild) and pull my own in groups (healing on EE, killing and healing on EH). But - I cannot seem to really solo EE without dying multiple times and having to reenter and thats slightly annoying. Some of the reason I am sure is lack of skill, some is lack of gear and past lives for better DC and Spell Pen (insta kills work too rarely to bother on EE with current DC/SpellPen) and maybe some is that I am using the wrong build for the job.

    So, I figure I might try a 18 FvS / 2 Pal dumping wisdom in favor of Con/Cha for more hp/sp and much higher saves losing insta kills entirely, gimping BB wrt DC and losing the FvS capstone. My damage would then come from (gimped) BB and mostly from light spells (DP, AvLight and DivWrath)

    For EE (solo or otherwise) and raids I consider the trade an advantage. For EH its certainly a loss but still I should be able to do EH easily if needed so not a huge one.

    But - which race and which feat to take? Even though this build wont be feat starved I still think human might be best but I am all ears if someone thinks otherwise. For feats I consider these "must have": Tough, Quick, Max, Emp and Epic Tough. Additionally I am considering Force of Personality, Empower Healing, Shield Mastery, Heavy Armor Prof and Mental Tough without really making up my mind.

    Any advice or suggestions on feats or otherwise is most welcome.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 02-26-2013 at 10:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member backandforth's Avatar
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    I do not think you can change your race with LR.

    I also think that it is not a good idea to dump wisdom. You dont benefit a lot by doing so.

    The remaining feats ,spell pen impr spell pen and epic

    The 2 paladin levels give you a nice boost to saves but you have to sacrifice implosion or mass heals. They suit better a cleric build.

  3. #3
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    The NovaSoul build in my sig has everything I could think of regarding a primary con stat FVS with light/sla based offense.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by backandforth View Post
    I do not think you can change your race with LR.

    I also think that it is not a good idea to dump wisdom. You dont benefit a lot by doing so.

    The remaining feats ,spell pen impr spell pen and epic

    The 2 paladin levels give you a nice boost to saves but you have to sacrifice implosion or mass heals. They suit better a cleric build.
    Thank you for the reply.

    Probably true about not being able to change race with a LR.

    You seem to have missed the point wrt dumping Wis and not taking Spell Pen feats. I already have the build with Wis and Spell Pen but without more past lives and gear I simply dont have enough to rule EE solo with that approach.

    I also consired the cleric approach - but a) I have a 20 FvS already and would need to run a full TR to try that, b) clerics dont have wings! and c) a cha/con based cleric has alot less SP than a FvS though admittingly thats traded for aura and burst healing. Dropping Implosion doesnt matter either as I wont have the DC nor the Spell Pen with this build.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by csivils View Post
    The NovaSoul build in my sig has everything I could think of regarding a primary con stat FVS with light/sla based offense.
    Thanks, quite interesting though also somewhat different as your build is a pure FvS. But many similarities to learn from indeed.

    I see that you twist in Energy Burst - is that worthwhile when you cannot enhance the element? I was thinking more in defensive terms wrt twists - +40% fortification, Cocoon and maybe +6 reflex for soloing EE.

  6. #6
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    The favored soul PRE does enhance fire, and for epic hard and below... energy burst is well worth it. Regarding the class breakdown, the only loss you would have is the capstone and a few lvl 9 spells. The main part of the build (the destinies) would be exactly the same options for you.

    For soloing EE, it depends on the quest. For an easy EE, I do it in Exalted angel and keep my offensive twists (burst/boulder/wild shot). If I'm in a primary healer mode then I switch over to unyielding and twist in healing. Lately I have also been toying with shiradi with cocoon, boulder and wild toss twisted using throwing weapons for extra procs and for crowd control. It isn't going to match what an arcane can do, but on the other hand... I can keep archon and thrown weapons going almost forever.

    Even if you go a different build route, you can see what I use for offense without DC/Spell pen and get some idea on where to go from there.

  7. #7
    Community Member smithj_2020's Avatar
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    I'm not sure completely what you are going for: I believe it's to better solo epic elite. In that case it's tough and most don't accomplish it without some PLs (for casters, or DC wise). If you got 18/2 I would definitely suggest empower healing with extra feats at epic levels it easy to take now and is a nice bonus. Empower maximize quicken heighten are must I believe for FvS. A great spell to use when soloing I find on melee focused FvS is divine punishment, I maxed light damage enhancements and its wrecks stuff, also went silver flame path and searing light is free and does nice damage, my BB still does 200-400 anywhere in there.

    Standing I'm at 600 HPS and around 40 strength, but soloing EE doesn't happen for me, very difficult when more melee focused as FvS I found.

    I think you should keep your FvS as is right now, it sounds like a nice build.

    My other FvS (not finished currently) has 3 pl wiz and 1 sorc, next life is FvS and he will prolly stay there as epic rite is very tough even with all the max PLs I've been told, he is an evoked build and his stuff will definitely land as I have all gear and such.

    Oh I would even think of 18/2 monk I've heard it's very nice compliment but I don't know much about it.
    I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!

  8. #8
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Are you able to land your non-SR DPS spells like Blade Barrier & Cometfall reliably in EE? If so, I'd be reluctant to give up WIS-based casting entirely; you'd basically be pigeon-holing yourself into relying on light spells only. Also what are your saves like now vs how much will they improve with Divine Grace? Giving up two lvl 9 spell slots and capstone is a pretty big deal, IMHO.

    And not to be indelicate, but you might simply not be ready for solo EEs; it's about skill, build, gear, EDs, & PLs and if you're not up to snuff, you need to keep grinding away on EH solos and EE groups until you are.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Are you able to land your non-SR DPS spells like Blade Barrier & Cometfall reliably in EE? If so, I'd be reluctant to give up WIS-based casting entirely; you'd basically be pigeon-holing yourself into relying on light spells only. Also what are your saves like now vs how much will they improve with Divine Grace? Giving up two lvl 9 spell slots and capstone is a pretty big deal, IMHO.

    And not to be indelicate, but you might simply not be ready for solo EEs; it's about skill, build, gear, EDs, & PLs and if you're not up to snuff, you need to keep grinding away on EH solos and EE groups until you are.
    Aye, you are right that I may not be ready for it. I did solo Thorn and Paw though with some deaths and might have done better with high saves. Considering I was mostly using light spells since my insta spells land rarely I figure I might just try this change. If it doesnt work I will just change back a week late with no regrets.

    So, my question isnt if this is a good idea - but how to make it work the best.

  10. #10
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    I did the same thing you're contemplating.

    First life evoker soul. Didn't have the spell pen and DCs to be effective in EE [and EH is so easy, a solid fart will see you through to the end] So i LRed with a focus on survivability [con based, no spell pen/focus feats]

    The build is largely unkillable [although many would say any evoker is unkillable] I'm sitting on ~4,200 SP and with the cheap light spells and conc-op, i don't run out. I've solo'd hard TOD and a bunch of other quests. I rarely die. BUT, offense is an issue.

    The DPS is ... weak. MOBs in EE have so many HP it takes a long time to beat them down. But it can be done.

    Give it a try. I enjoy playing mine. He's durable as hell. Ideal for new content and a good way [imo] to learn how to solo EEs.

  11. #11
    Community Member eden2760's Avatar
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    This is just my opinion, as a twelfth lifer (3 of them FvS... and where my heart truly is) but with the proper epic destinies and bridge gear (read: not dependant on heroic commendations/epic items that requires seals/shards/scrolls), you can have great offense as a pure FvS. The higher end epic gear only increases that.

    I modeled my own 20 Fvs build after the Nova Soul, with only minor changes, and it performs as advertised. With the raw damaging abilities I don't find that epic elites are *too* difficult, though they don't go as fast as I'd like yet.

    I also would have a hard time giving up the Cure Light Wounds SLA... I love it so! I'm admittedly biased about pure favored souls though. I think with the proper build, gear, and destinies you could have a very effective DPS favored soul with a splash.

    You might check out Azmo's build that he's shared here. I'm planning something very similar for my last life on my main... just gathering the gear now.

    Bottom line... do what you love. If it's not as effective, but is funner to you, it's win.

  12. #12
    Community Member smithj_2020's Avatar
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    The more I read this, the more I think you will
    Be disappointed in LR, TR or nothing.
    I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!

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