I am a Favored Soul, or healer if you will. I've decided to write you this because there
seems to be a misunderstanding with people as to what a healer actually has to do.
Let me start by saying that although I happen to be good at my job, I am not a God, nor
am I your personal unending font of hit points for you to zerg and pretend to play in God
mode. If you want to do that there are a myriad amount of other games that will afford
you your opportunity to do so, maybe an MMORPG just isn't for you.
Just in case you were wondering, I am NOT responsible for keeping you alive, that is your
job. I am responsible for healing you, buffing you and resurrecting you if you happen to
die. No, you didn't die because I wasn't doing my job healing you, you died because that
mob you were smacking on just happen to do more damage than I was able to mitigate. If
there is an issue with this please refer to my above statement about being able to
resurrect you. Also for future reference, that mob was able to use finger of death on
you because while I was buffing at the entrance from my hotbar full of buffs nicely lined
up for just this purpose, you got impatient and started zerging, here's your sign.
Yes, I have quicken.
Yes, I have maximize.
Yes, Yes, Yes, I probably have that too! Just wondering, do YOU have any healing
amplification items, feats or enhancements? You may want to invest in some. Really, I'm
not trying to insult you or tell you how to play, just some friendly advice.
See that mob over there. That's Lolth. She doesn't only want to gnaw your face off like
a dragon in Gianthold, she wants to swallow your soul and digest it slowly over thousands
of years while you scream in pain the whole time. That means you might want to think a
bit before attacking her, things like is your healer in range, is the party ready, do you
need secondary mitigation items like potions of remove curse, among other things. If you
can't handle preparing yourself for a raid like this, please feel free to go kill
kobolds. Be assured, "Kobold still hate you! Kobold remember waterworks.".
Why was I swinging at that mob? Probably because you weren't paying attention while
something was trying to kill your healer, who later you will complain about for not
keeping you healed. And in case you are wondering, I was holding down my left mouse
button while utilizing the correct function key to target my party members while hitting
the number key that corresponds with the heal that will keep us alive. I can multitask,
and I'm glad that you have auto attack. Feel free to take another sip of your drink.
I do apologize but my heals don't have an infinite range on them. You do have to be within
a certain distance for me to heal you. If you want to wander off from the party and
explore please feel free. However when you get attacked by several mobs, please don't
bring them back to the party and get us killed. Stand there and try to fight them off and
die if necessary, we will come get you when and if we are able. I have a rez ready for you in
such an instance. By the way, did you also know that it saves me mana for later heals if
I can use my AOE heal on an entire party attacking the same mob rather than individual
heals on those who are attacking mobs recklessly?
OH NOES! You only have 999 out of 1000 hit points?! Let me direct you to the band aid in
the cabinet over here, you do NOT need me to waste my mana for your paper cut. In fact
if you weren't aware, you are still alive and kicking at 1 hit point. You can thank me
later for reminding you of that. If you want to be "topped off" go visit a barkeep
You had to heal someone with a healing wand or a heal spell and you aren't the healer,
AWESOME! I commend you for being a team player and taking an interest in keeping your
party members alive as well. Just in case you were wondering, even with quicken heals do
have a cast time and a cool down time. Yes my heart is pounding just as fast as yours, as
the clicking on my keyboard goes frantic waiting for the exact moment that I am able to
cast the next heal on someone. You didn't get healed first? Wait in line, I have 6
people to watch after and if you were gathered together I could heal you ALL at the same
My whole point is respect the healer in your party. We like to enjoy the game as well,
not just make sure that YOU can enjoy the game while we keep you healed. Thanks.
/rant off