Hello everyone. My main is Jehuty Shadowrunner, alts consist of Jehbrutey, Jehgloomy, Teiris, Dunpeel, Farrson, Duplicant, Saekko, a few others. Anyways, I left DDO for about 8 months, was traveling a bit, and stayed in Japan for 6 months teaching English. Anyways, I just got back to the states about 2 weeks ago, and decided to start playing DDO again while I am here. I usually just solo anyways, except for sometimes running with guild or channel groups, but I made a few friends along the way. So on the off chance that you were wondering where I was, now ya know, and Im back! Woot! Now all you guys gotta get me up to speed, cause I don't even feel like im playin D&D anymore lol.