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  1. #1
    Community Member whitepawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Righteous Ire Recruiting

    A lot of lost people wandering around out there due to the game changes, boredom, and many veterans leaving the game.

    I run a guild over on Orien called Righteous Ire. I'm looking for solid, clever, people to fill out our roster. We are L100 yet we still raid elites amidst all the DDO quits. We did the majority of that before any TRs and with both a rogue and an AA in spite of their unpopularity at the time. We run the elites, tend to chain 'em up on single nights like an overleveled, overlarge TR group, and keep main toons on timer.

    2 day a week commitment to guild/raid night, which also requires a viable 20, but beyond that the only rule is no toolboxes.

    Challenge is good, big personalities are great, and, as with all things in life, we blame Kv for everything. Kv is my heir, btw, so speak with kvirnoj/kvaroq or myself ursulah/ursulla/anitah if RI interests you.

    Did I mention that we have a red airship? Red is faster, so we make good time on raid nights when we have that static group.

    4-5 spots, evaluated by both skill and personality. I'd say the average age in guild is over 30.

    Last edited by whitepawn; 02-25-2013 at 07:21 PM.
    Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
    HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."

  2. #2
    Community Member Dabima's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    My name is Commander Shepherd, and this is my favorite guild on the server

  3. #3
    Community Member whitepawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    /slaying dragons twice a week, every week
    Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
    HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."

  4. #4
    Community Member whitepawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I was asked to clarify class needs. Most in guild are fairly flexible with multiple toons, what we lack at present are guilded divines. We have both an arti and a bard already, but we remain open on all other classes.
    Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
    HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Heir is a heavy burden...

  6. #6
    Community Member whitepawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    ...really? Do tell.

    Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
    HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."

  7. #7
    Community Member PsychoJester's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    A really good guild with kind and skilled players.
    I played with some of you, maybe the last time you (Anitah) brought one of my toons to lv20, some week ago doing from Vale to IQ.
    (can't remember if was my assassin or the godhand)

    Good luck

  8. #8
    Community Member ezmeweatherwax's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Alright folks, here's the deal. This game is bleeding players like a gored pig. You can all sit in your little corners or backroom dead guilds in ones, twos, and threes and complain about it, or you can gather up...and venture forth? Maybe. Either way, it's a choice.

    I host raids twice a week, every week, but will only continue to do so if guild membership rises. The first step, raid with us. Simple.

    Time: Sun/Wed 7p EST states time. We always kill the two dragons, then do a +2 raider's choice.
    Place: Orien


    1-Not a toolbox.
    2-Gaming integrity. (If you don't know what this is, then don't show up.)
    3-This goes to 1, but I'll spell it out anyway. Not a racist, misogynist, or generally foul one logs in to experience that garbage, this is supposed to be fun. So, bicker, banter, and play, but don't be demeaning or cruel in a backwoods/ignorant kind of way.
    4-Want challenge and work for your toon improvement.
    5-Ability to think on your feet.

    Find Ursula or Kv if you're interested in raiding. We generally run around on TRs talking cooking, nerd rage, and the finer nuances of both British slang and Jaffa cakes the other days of the week.

  9. #9
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Old original guildmate..

    heya Erz.. I dont know if ya remember me or if anyone else in that guild does either.. I used to be one of the few original members back in the day when DDO shortly went live and when LokiFTW used to be the guild leader along with ursulah and KV.. I was wondering if you guys are still around or if the guild still exists..

    Well I have this thread on subscribe and wondering if anyone from the old guild might be still playing to get back with me.. I might be interested in coming back to DDO after all these years..
    Oh geuss you would like to know who this is...

    Name: Tyragon Elventide
    Human Ranger AA

    Our original guildsite when I used to admin and keep it updated.. I'm the Redheaded guy next to the big green WF on the far Right LOL
    Without knowledge comes uncertian assumptions ( and we know what happens when we assume what we do not know)

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