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I would go light monk, wands and scrolls just don't do it for me.
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Wis 14
Is where I start with every monk, which leaves us 12 points. I would go to 16 in Dex, Con, and Wis - with +2 tomes you qualify for GM Wind and Earth, then everything else in Wis to get to Vorpal Strikes and because Wis is good.
Feats, we get 1 human, 3 monk, 7 heroic, and 2 epic capable. Our 2 epic feats are Improved Martial Arts and Vorpal Strikes. We always want GTWF, Toughness, Power Attack, Improved Critical, Stunning Fist, something for Shintao (I like Precision), then I would go Improved Sunder, Dodge, Mobility.
Enhancements, Improved Recovery 3 Human and Monk, Shintao, GM Wind and Earth, Human Versatility, capstone, then whatever you like.