Okay, I don't actually know Druids very well, so if this is stupid beyond words, please go easy on me. I'm mainly posting this because I'd like to see the forms themselves incorporated into the game, not necessarily my cobbled-together stats.
Fen Cat
May be chosen at level 2 or 5. The addition of this third form means the player will have to choose two forms and shun the third entirely.
Your base attack speed is 20% (not a typo) faster.
+10 Competence Bonus to Hide
Inherent Acid Resistance 5
+1d6 to Sneak Attack Damage
+20% Enhancement Bonus to Movement Speed
Racial +2 to Dexterity
Your natural attacks do 1d6 slashing and piercing damage with a 19-20 crit range for double damage
Available spells are: Takedown, Maul, Roar, Shred, Howl of Terror
Razor Cat
May be chosen at level 8 or 11 with the same restrictions as above.
You attack 25% faster
You move 25% faster
You have Spike Guard in effect in this form. Successful attacks upon you inflict 2d4 piercing damage (Reflex save for half damage) to attackers
Inherent Cold Resistance 5
Racial +4 to Dexterity
Your natural attacks inflict 1d10 slashing and piercing damage.
Available spells are: I'll be honest, this is where I lose steam. Other than maybe making Splinterbolt a Razor Cat spell, I got nothing.
So... How bad is it?