Can someone tell me why they changed the air ele in the quest A Small Problem? I get knocked off all the time and it resets all the monsters. Before the update i never use to get knocked off by the air ele, so why the change?
Can someone tell me why they changed the air ele in the quest A Small Problem? I get knocked off all the time and it resets all the monsters. Before the update i never use to get knocked off by the air ele, so why the change?
It's a bug we'll just have to live with because we all enjoy the air elemental knockbacks so much.
Prior to the update it would knock you around if you wore a shield, but not otherwise. Haven't been in since the update to see if that has changed.
Buggy regardless.
This was like this prior to update 17. it hasnt changed. i get knock off a lot too. still fun to run. good gaming and enjoy the day
We are all lost travelers, on a journey to find that which we do not know, but it is not a prize we seek, but the road that must be taken, it is that inside us that drives us forward into the unknown.