No, simply trying to allay any concerns some people may have with missing outfits. None were permanently destroyed.
By consulting MyDDO, one could tell that there was possibly something askew with a single outfit if a character happened to wearing it when active; and only if it was a non-named outfit. This does not address the original question of "did the outfits disappear only when logging in on a specific character, or did they *poof* on ALL characters that had them, regardless of actively logging in with them?". MyDDO provides no information pertaining to a character's entire inventory. The only way to determine that would be to log into the character.
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow (1964)
Hey, thanks for the answers guys.
Don't let my question touch off too much of a debate. My main concern was just whether I had to go thru all my outfitted alts across the servers checking mailboxes.
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow (1964)
I have read through the thread and, if I understand correctly, the missing outfit fix bought the system to a crawl, people were getting outfits they never had or used to have so they bailed on the fix and now a remedy is not expected until after the weekend???
man a weekend of all the nakid monks... . . . ... . . yaa interns
i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!
I still have not had my missing outfits returned. When will the process be complete?
I had an outfit in my mailbox (Expired auction shortly after patch 17, before the hotfix.) which still hasn't been returned to me. The mail is there but the outfit isn't in the item slot and I can't detach it.
Could you see about resolving this issue please?
Haven't checked all my mail messages yet in game, but I think I have gotten all my outfits back. There's a little problem though , my 2 monk characters lost their outfits,but all outfits are in one monks mailbox. Not complaining much, at least I have all outfits back.
Just letting it know that this kind of bug has happened also.
Ok, I got an outfit back, I know for sure it isn't mine since there is a large brown spot in the back...
What kind of tomfoolery is this?
Can I get some sort of re-imbursement to cover the drycleaning?
What if the stain doesn't come out?
On second thought, can I just have a nice new one?
After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.
*noms on cookies while she waits*
3 days later and My Monk is still unclothed. Poor guy, It's still snowy in Eveningstar. Brrrrrr........
Athanyl- the frozen monk
Any update?
I still missing my large guild slot outfit, I sent a ticket to in-game GM, he only replied me a forum link to the known-issue list... could you tell us the status of return progress?
That have lost their outfits. My outifts that are lost are mostly flavors of XYZ of greater fire resistance(16th and less) and improved fire resistance(6th level or less). Unfortunately, I don't really remember exactly.
I know I am missing outfits on Argonesson, Cannith, and Ghallanda. At least I can tell what characters were affected when I login and my outfit/robe is missing from what I am currently wearing and the inventory spot is BLANK. But I am not down to my skivvies, I am wearing some random looking pant suit.
I also know that if my character was wearing a deathblock outfit and I logged in, it did not disappear.
Deathblock is now called DEVblock.
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
Im sry, can i recieve some advice, we are, my wife and me, we are send reports 6 day ago (!!!SIX DAYS!!!) about lost outfits(my), and lost item shop pet(my wife),so, today i recieve a mail that tickets are closed and we need to open new tickets, great job, it helps, problem with lost items was not resolved yet.
First question - why that tickets was closed but problem wasnt solved?
Second question - how much tickets we need to open to resolve one problem?
Third question - when we will recieve our items?
WBR, Indarien.
Sry for bad english, not my primary. =)
PS So, outfits not very important =) But pet - it is, cos my wife dont wanna play without pet =)
Last edited by Indarien; 02-26-2013 at 05:26 AM.
We're still working to get everyone their missing outfits back. We expect to have more news to share about this within the next day or so, stay tuned and thanks.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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