000000000.000: Initializing client - build version is []
000000000.000: Initializing the global event handler...
000000000.000: Creating trigger schedulers...
000000000.000: Initializing the network...
000000000.000: Initializing the cache...
000000000.000: CLCache::Init: called.
000000000.000: LookForFile trying cwd
000000000.000: Is_File_Here found 'client_general.dat' in 'C:/Users/Adam/Desktop/DDO'
datfile "client_general.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_highres.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_gamelogic.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_anim.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_mesh.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_sound.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_surface.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_cell_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_map_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_cell_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_map_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_local_English.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
000000000.000: Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Init: called.
000000000.000: Device_WIN32::InitDEVICE| Detected operating system: Windows 7
000000000.000: RenderD3D::Startup: called.
000000000.000: RENDER| DirectX 9.0 detected and initialized successfully
000000000.000: RenderD3D::SelectBestDisplayAdapter: called.
000000000.000: RENDER| Detected 1 display adapters:
000000000.000: RenderD3D::DetectDisplayModes: called.
000000000.000: RENDER| Detected 44 display modes:
000000000.000: Initializing the smartbox...
000000000.000: Initializing the user interface...
000000000.000: Client ready
000000008.738: Client::Connect() async logon begun.
000000009.575: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Validating credentials...
217732927.202: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading subscription data...
217732927.202: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading character data...
217732927.313: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_WorldName: Thelanis
217732927.644: Client: Flushing database after DDD
217732927.942: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Receiving character data...
217732935.705: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
217732948.473: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_PlayerSessionStart_ServerToClient: player: 0x021800000041487F
217732948.473: CObjectMaint::RecvNotice_SetPlayerIDplayer: 0x021800000041487F
217732948.502: QuestData::RecvNotice_LoginFinished: Requesting patron data from login (The return of this will request the quest information!)...
217732956.303: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetPatronRanks: We have the patron data, now we need quest records...
217732960.888: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217732960.888: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217732960.888: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217732960.888: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217732965.492: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: We have recieved the quest records...
217732965.492: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: Calling out to populate the adventure compendium...
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::RecvNotice_PopulateAdventureCompendium: Adventure Compendium notice received
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateQuestList: Populate quest list in progress.
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateChallengeList: Populate challenge list in progress.
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulatePatronList: Populate patron list in progress.
217732988.520: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 181
217732989.308: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217732989.308: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217732989.651: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.34 seconds.
217732989.651: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217732989.651: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217732992.814: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732992.814: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732992.814: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.109: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.109: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.109: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732995.861: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Festival_Risia_Rugby_IsUsingRugbyClub) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732999.729: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733023.067: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 182
217733024.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733024.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733025.027: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.16 seconds.
217733025.027: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733025.027: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733045.505: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 183
217733045.525: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733045.525: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733045.628: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.10 seconds.
217733045.628: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733045.628: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733046.009: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733047.639: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733057.238: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Festival_Risia_Rugby_IsUsingRugbyClub) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733058.632: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Armor@Player::m_eHelmetKey) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733076.426: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733082.395: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733082.777: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733184.593: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 184
217733184.681: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733184.681: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217733184.681: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733184.681: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733185.048: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733200.484: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 185
217733201.220: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733201.220: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733201.281: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.06 seconds.
217733201.281: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733201.281: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733201.371: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733201.371: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733201.371: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.544: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.544: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.544: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733206.783: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733218.559: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 186
217733219.093: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733219.093: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733219.312: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.22 seconds.
217733219.312: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733219.312: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733228.621: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733249.105: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 187
217733250.603: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733250.603: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733250.695: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.09 seconds.
217733250.695: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733250.695: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733258.916: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733266.817: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733280.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733287.674: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733288.903: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733290.478: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733296.798: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733303.212: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733310.466: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733314.808: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733315.857: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733322.935: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733328.113: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733335.330: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733345.698: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733346.906: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733351.539: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733360.535: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733375.642: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733387.209: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733389.389: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733389.790: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733391.226: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733391.226: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733395.785: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733408.241: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733416.245: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733422.098: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733427.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733439.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733453.134: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733458.811: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733466.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733476.517: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733480.509: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733481.501: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733509.267: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733531.407: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733549.823: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733549.823: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733551.800: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733552.218: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733574.763: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733583.813: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733587.007: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733588.289: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733604.305: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733613.276: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733617.404: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733622.070: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733629.489: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733636.730: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733641.617: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733643.110: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733646.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733646.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733646.977: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733654.048: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733683.126: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 188
217733683.869: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733683.869: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733684.016: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.15 seconds.
217733684.016: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733684.016: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733693.502: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733720.089: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 189
217733720.211: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733720.211: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217733720.211: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733720.211: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733733.847: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733736.130: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733749.249: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733751.214: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733754.214: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733755.575: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733759.783: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733764.740: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733772.856: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733788.214: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733789.882: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733794.246: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733796.215: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733803.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733822.785: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733823.826: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733836.922: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733846.314: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733850.067: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733853.541: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733857.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733880.213: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733882.941: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733883.403: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733896.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733906.658: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733907.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733907.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733908.147: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733924.046: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733948.488: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733951.357: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733980.612: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733988.868: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734009.661: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734012.654: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734014.163: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734020.864: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.732: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734028.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734036.882: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734042.699: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734042.710: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734069.571: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734073.289: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 190
217734073.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734073.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734073.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734073.967: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734097.324: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 191
217734097.436: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734097.436: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734097.436: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734097.436: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734106.314: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734106.337: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734107.752: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734112.240: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734118.088: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734123.389: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734125.337: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734126.528: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734129.038: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734131.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734141.930: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734147.898: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734160.013: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734188.111: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734194.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734197.186: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734197.903: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734200.734: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734206.046: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734212.332: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734216.192: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734229.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734229.568: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734230.969: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734231.797: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734246.984: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734262.909: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734265.046: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734269.223: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734276.743: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734287.597: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734288.365: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734293.066: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734307.884: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734331.307: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734333.491: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734340.726: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734347.937: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734362.724: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734386.086: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734388.452: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734389.385: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734392.886: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.940: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.940: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.940: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734404.914: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734412.346: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734413.854: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734415.355: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734418.275: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734419.458: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734419.458: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734432.866: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734446.170: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 192
217734446.862: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734446.862: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734446.862: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734446.862: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734486.331: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 193
217734486.478: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734486.478: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734486.478: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734486.478: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734500.645: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734504.726: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734518.495: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734521.634: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734522.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734522.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734525.495: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734541.242: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734542.774: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734544.387: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734548.258: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734562.005: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734570.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734574.334: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734581.505: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734584.764: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734584.922: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734601.050: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734614.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734615.080: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734622.877: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734631.567: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734644.708: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734648.453: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734655.989: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734672.631: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734672.631: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734683.750: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734693.804: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734706.003: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734706.587: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734740.180: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734784.101: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734785.294: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734785.565: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734785.588: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734786.514: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734786.727: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734787.829: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734789.017: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734790.212: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734792.708: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734792.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734792.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734793.899: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734833.990: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734836.787: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734839.467: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734855.769: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.021: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.021: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.021: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734858.004: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734870.887: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734872.598: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734876.354: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734883.535: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734887.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734887.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734944.497: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 194
217734945.179: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734945.179: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734945.179: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734945.179: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734990.039: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 195
217734990.190: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734990.190: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734990.190: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734990.190: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734996.588: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734999.555: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735009.368: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735010.852: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735012.347: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735013.881: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735016.699: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735025.656: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735032.127: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735036.065: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735036.611: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735045.993: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735048.440: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735052.296: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735053.171: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735053.620: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735055.668: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735061.597: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735075.625: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735101.072: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735101.215: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735101.247: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735102.585: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735104.092: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735105.590: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735129.751: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735132.640: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735134.908: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735141.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735159.335: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735182.239: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735184.230: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735184.230: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735186.223: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735224.810: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735225.110: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735240.666: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735242.139: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735246.661: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735283.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.045: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.045: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.045: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735296.231: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735314.900: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735315.271: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735317.799: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735328.220: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735331.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735331.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735331.389: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735332.690: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735369.512: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 196
217735370.338: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735370.338: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217735370.379: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.04 seconds.
217735370.379: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735370.379: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735453.626: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 197
217735453.759: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735453.759: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217735453.759: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735453.759: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735460.709: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735468.271: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735468.803: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735468.949: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735475.293: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735485.076: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735493.212: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735493.331: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735496.035: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735498.401: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735502.267: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735505.878: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735506.016: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735532.478: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735539.332: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735546.897: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735551.446: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735552.458: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735559.055: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735574.460: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735580.884: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735581.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735583.646: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735585.174: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735609.271: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735621.628: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735625.607: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735634.778: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735644.242: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735674.503: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735676.712: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735676.712: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735683.673: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735714.649: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735716.139: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735717.642: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.602: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.602: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.602: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.778: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735731.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735742.275: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735746.178: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735746.178: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735751.939: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735776.479: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 198
217735777.142: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735777.142: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217735777.142: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735777.142: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735790.102: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735876.922: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 199
217735877.924: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735877.924: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217735878.033: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.11 seconds.
217735878.033: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735878.033: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.387: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.574: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.574: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.084: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.084: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.084: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.099: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.099: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.189: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.189: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.189: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.199: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.199: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.737: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.737: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735887.780: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735904.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735910.121: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735911.822: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735911.848: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735931.627: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735933.624: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735964.501: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.190: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.190: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.568: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.568: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735978.510: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735978.517: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735978.517: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735986.297: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735987.998: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735987.998: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735987.998: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735991.365: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735991.742: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735993.150: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735993.150: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735993.150: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735994.311: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735994.424: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735994.424: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736012.828: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736017.366: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736124.302: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736156.267: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736156.598: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736156.598: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736157.525: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736157.550: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736187.145: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736187.145: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736187.145: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736210.339: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736212.330: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736217.058: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736281.663: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736285.443: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736291.532: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736294.560: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736309.139: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736316.690: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736330.601: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736330.978: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736338.937: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736354.930: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736397.747: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736470.525: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736476.585: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 200
217736477.295: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736477.295: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736477.295: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736477.295: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736507.010: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736525.021: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 201
217736525.497: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736525.497: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736525.497: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736525.497: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736528.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736528.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736528.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736535.484: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736549.232: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 202
217736549.503: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736549.503: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736549.503: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736549.503: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736580.685: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 203
217736580.685: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736580.714: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736580.714: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217736580.775: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.06 seconds.
217736580.775: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736580.775: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736581.811: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736623.328: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736629.676: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736713.399: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 204
217736713.568: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736713.568: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736713.568: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736713.568: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736713.887: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.100: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 205
217736732.894: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736732.894: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736732.894: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736732.894: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.894: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.894: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.894: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736737.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736737.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736737.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736738.563: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736748.935: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 206
217736749.351: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736749.351: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736749.351: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736749.351: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736757.576: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736771.576: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 207
217736773.399: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736773.399: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736773.399: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736773.399: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736798.316: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 208
217736798.877: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736798.877: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217736798.965: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.09 seconds.
217736798.965: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736798.965: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736812.141: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736835.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736835.767: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736835.811: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736894.727: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736908.817: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736924.665: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736932.581: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736933.842: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736952.052: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736961.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736961.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736961.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736966.234: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736968.233: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736993.833: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736994.016: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737004.622: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737020.398: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737020.439: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737030.550: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737056.195: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737072.397: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737072.514: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 209
217737072.529: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737072.529: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737072.529: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737072.529: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737073.228: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737079.844: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 210
217737080.149: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737080.149: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737080.149: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737080.149: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737146.943: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 211
217737147.592: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737147.592: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737147.621: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.03 seconds.
217737147.621: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737147.621: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737176.441: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737189.399: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737190.999: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737191.108: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737192.393: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737195.456: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737195.456: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737195.456: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737203.983: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737205.645: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737209.674: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.239: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.239: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737218.737: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737218.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737218.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737239.540: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737239.551: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737239.551: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737248.856: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737249.238: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737255.253: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737259.396: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737261.078: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737261.078: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737291.910: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737299.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737299.990: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737301.254: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737302.451: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737302.463: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737302.948: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737309.294: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737314.258: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737316.740: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737317.194: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.037: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.053: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.053: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.053: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737328.142: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737333.410: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737334.016: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737334.042: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737335.748: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737335.748: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737336.715: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737357.901: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737368.952: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737373.156: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737375.584: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737378.589: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737410.120: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737418.124: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737418.511: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737436.027: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737436.416: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737474.862: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737482.734: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 212
217737483.001: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737483.001: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737483.001: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737483.001: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737496.182: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737572.145: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 213
217737572.974: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737572.974: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737573.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.09 seconds.
217737573.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737573.060: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737574.375: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737733.435: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 214
217737733.926: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737733.926: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737733.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.04 seconds.
217737733.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737733.967: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737737.605: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737737.605: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737737.605: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737741.060: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737741.060: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737741.060: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737742.008: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737742.008: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737742.008: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737745.050: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737760.363: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 215
217737760.643: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737760.643: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737760.643: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737760.643: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737761.844: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737783.302: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 216
217737783.321: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737783.321: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737783.370: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.05 seconds.
217737783.370: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737783.370: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737783.802: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737785.476: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737808.127: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737814.095: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737814.478: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737854.341: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 217
217737854.495: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737854.495: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737854.548: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.05 seconds.
217737854.548: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737854.548: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737854.979: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737872.219: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 218
217737873.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737873.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737873.993: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.13 seconds.
217737873.993: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737873.993: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737896.378: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 219
217737897.183: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737897.183: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737897.183: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737897.183: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737925.453: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 220
217737926.646: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737926.646: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737926.646: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737926.646: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737959.796: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 221
217737960.709: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737960.709: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737960.709: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737960.709: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217738050.545: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
217738054.516: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 222
217738055.940: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217738055.940: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217738056.007: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.07 seconds.
217738056.007: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217738056.007: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217738064.125: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738072.785: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738108.892: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738139.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738199.425: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738293.062: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738298.106: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738301.065: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738303.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738305.765: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738321.064: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738336.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738365.657: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738372.225: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738378.489: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738391.444: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738399.410: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738402.606: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738405.485: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738419.346: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738427.766: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738503.829: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738526.555: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738577.711: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738579.222: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738767.143: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738781.181: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738790.333: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738793.773: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738803.902: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738805.607: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738832.155: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738864.228: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738886.483: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738887.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738909.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738988.596: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 223
217738988.983: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217738988.983: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217738988.983: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217738988.983: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217739003.459: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 224
217739004.420: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217739004.420: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217739004.420: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217739004.420: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217739084.899: ----CRASH REPORT START----
217739084.899: Program fault: ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) trying to read from 0x00004100
217739084.899: Detailed report:
Current local time: Mon Feb 18 23:53:32 2013
Version Report generated by CoreVersion : 2.0.137 (0x02000089):
Language: English (United States)
CompanyName : Turbine, Inc.
FileDescription :
FileVersion :
InternalName : dndclient
LegalCopyright : Copyright © 1997-2013 Turbine, Inc.
OriginalFilename : dndclient.exe
ProductName : dndclient
ProductVersion : dnd_16_1
Comments : compiled Tue Jan 8 23:20:05 2013 : RELEASE
TurbineBuildVersion :
TurbineType : Admin External
217739084.899: ----CRASH REPORT END----
Any ideas?