As per title, just got home started up DDO, updates with the hotfix update, launcher restarts.

can log in, can choose world, connects to world, launcher disappears... and that's it.

Here is the ddoclient.log:
000000000.000: Initializing client - build version is [] 
000000000.000: Initializing the global event handler...
000000000.000: Creating trigger schedulers...
000000000.000: Initializing the network...
000000000.000: Initializing the cache...
000000000.000: CLCache::Init: called.
000000000.000: LookForFile trying cwd
000000000.000: Is_File_Here found 'client_general.dat' in 'C:/Users/Adam/Desktop/DDO'

  datfile "client_general.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_highres.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_gamelogic.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_anim.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_mesh.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_sound.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_surface.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_cell_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_map_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_cell_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_map_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.


  datfile "client_local_English.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
  executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.

000000000.000: Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Init: called.
000000000.000: Device_WIN32::InitDEVICE|  Detected operating system: Windows 7
000000000.000: RenderD3D::Startup: called.
000000000.000: RENDER|  DirectX 9.0 detected and initialized successfully
000000000.000: RenderD3D::SelectBestDisplayAdapter: called.
000000000.000: RENDER|  Detected 1 display adapters:
000000000.000: RenderD3D::DetectDisplayModes: called.
000000000.000: RENDER|  Detected 44 display modes:
000000000.000: Initializing the smartbox...
000000000.000: Initializing the user interface...
000000000.000: Client ready
000000008.738: Client::Connect() async logon begun.
000000009.575: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Validating credentials...
217732927.202: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading subscription data...
217732927.202: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading character data...
217732927.313: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_WorldName: Thelanis
217732927.644: Client: Flushing database after DDD
217732927.942: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Receiving character data...
217732935.705: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
217732948.473: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_PlayerSessionStart_ServerToClient: player: 0x021800000041487F
217732948.473: CObjectMaint::RecvNotice_SetPlayerIDplayer: 0x021800000041487F
217732948.502: QuestData::RecvNotice_LoginFinished: Requesting patron data from login (The return of this will request the quest information!)...
217732956.303: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetPatronRanks: We have the patron data, now we need quest records...
217732960.888: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217732960.888: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217732960.888: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217732960.888: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217732965.492: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: We have recieved the quest records...
217732965.492: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: Calling out to populate the adventure compendium...
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::RecvNotice_PopulateAdventureCompendium: Adventure Compendium notice received
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateQuestList: Populate quest list in progress.
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateChallengeList: Populate challenge list in progress.
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
217732965.492: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulatePatronList: Populate patron list in progress.
217732988.520: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 181
217732989.308: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217732989.308: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217732989.651: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.34 seconds.
217732989.651: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217732989.651: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217732992.814: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732992.814: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732992.814: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.109: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.109: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.109: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732993.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732995.861: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Festival_Risia_Rugby_IsUsingRugbyClub) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217732999.729: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733023.067: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 182
217733024.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733024.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733025.027: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.16 seconds.
217733025.027: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733025.027: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733045.505: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 183
217733045.525: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733045.525: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733045.628: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.10 seconds.
217733045.628: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733045.628: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733046.009: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733047.639: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733057.238: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Festival_Risia_Rugby_IsUsingRugbyClub) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733058.632: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Armor@Player::m_eHelmetKey) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733076.426: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733082.395: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733082.777: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733184.593: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 184
217733184.681: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733184.681: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217733184.681: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733184.681: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733185.048: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733200.484: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 185
217733201.220: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733201.220: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733201.281: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.06 seconds.
217733201.281: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733201.281: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733201.371: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733201.371: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733201.371: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.544: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.544: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733205.544: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733206.783: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733218.559: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 186
217733219.093: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733219.093: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733219.312: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.22 seconds.
217733219.312: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733219.312: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733228.621: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733249.105: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 187
217733250.603: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733250.603: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733250.695: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.09 seconds.
217733250.695: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733250.695: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733258.916: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733266.817: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733280.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733287.674: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733288.903: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733290.478: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733296.798: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733303.212: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733310.466: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733314.808: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733315.857: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733322.935: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733328.113: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733335.330: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733345.698: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733346.906: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733351.539: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733360.535: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733375.642: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733387.209: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733389.389: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733389.790: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733391.226: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733391.226: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733395.785: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733408.241: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733416.245: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733422.098: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733427.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733439.527: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733453.134: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733458.811: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733466.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733476.517: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733480.509: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733481.501: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733509.267: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733531.407: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733549.823: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733549.823: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733551.800: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733552.218: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733574.763: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733583.813: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733587.007: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733588.289: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733604.305: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733613.276: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733617.404: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733622.070: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733629.489: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733634.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733636.730: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733641.617: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733643.110: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733646.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733646.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733646.977: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733654.048: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733683.126: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 188
217733683.869: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733683.869: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217733684.016: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.15 seconds.
217733684.016: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733684.016: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733693.502: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733720.089: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 189
217733720.211: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217733720.211: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217733720.211: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217733720.211: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217733733.847: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733736.130: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733749.249: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733751.214: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733754.214: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733755.575: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733759.783: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733764.740: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733772.856: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733788.214: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733789.882: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733794.246: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733796.215: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733803.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733822.785: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733823.826: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733836.922: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733846.314: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733850.067: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733853.541: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733857.277: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733880.213: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733882.941: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733883.403: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733896.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733906.658: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733907.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733907.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733908.147: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733924.046: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733948.488: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733951.357: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733980.612: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217733988.868: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734009.661: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734012.654: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734014.163: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734020.864: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734025.732: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734028.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734036.882: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734042.699: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734042.710: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734069.571: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734073.289: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 190
217734073.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734073.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734073.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734073.967: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734097.324: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 191
217734097.436: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734097.436: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734097.436: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734097.436: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734106.314: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734106.337: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734107.752: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734112.240: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734118.088: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734123.389: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734125.337: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734126.528: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734129.038: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734131.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734141.930: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734147.898: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734160.013: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734188.111: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734194.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734197.186: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734197.903: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734200.734: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734206.046: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734212.332: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734216.192: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734229.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734229.568: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734230.969: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734231.797: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734246.984: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734262.909: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734265.046: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734269.223: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734276.743: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734287.597: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734288.365: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734293.066: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734307.884: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734331.307: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734333.491: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734340.726: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734347.937: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734362.724: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734386.086: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734388.452: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734389.385: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734392.886: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.940: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.940: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.940: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734402.954: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734404.914: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734412.346: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734413.854: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734415.355: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734418.275: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734419.458: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734419.458: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734432.866: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734446.170: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 192
217734446.862: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734446.862: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734446.862: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734446.862: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734486.331: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 193
217734486.478: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734486.478: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734486.478: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734486.478: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734500.645: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734504.726: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734518.495: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734521.634: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734522.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734522.497: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734525.495: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734541.242: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734542.774: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734544.387: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734548.258: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734562.005: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734570.717: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734574.334: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734581.505: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734584.764: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734584.922: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734601.050: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734614.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734615.080: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734622.877: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734631.567: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734644.708: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734648.453: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734655.989: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734672.631: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734672.631: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734683.750: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734693.804: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734706.003: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734706.587: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734740.180: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734784.101: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734785.294: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734785.565: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734785.588: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734786.514: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734786.727: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734787.829: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734789.017: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734790.212: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734792.708: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734792.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734792.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734793.899: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734833.990: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734836.787: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734839.467: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734855.769: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.021: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.021: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.021: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734856.041: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734858.004: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734870.887: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734872.598: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734876.354: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734883.535: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734887.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734887.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734944.497: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 194
217734945.179: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734945.179: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734945.179: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734945.179: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734990.039: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 195
217734990.190: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217734990.190: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217734990.190: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217734990.190: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217734996.588: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217734999.555: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735009.368: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735010.852: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735012.347: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735013.881: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735016.699: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735025.656: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735032.127: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735036.065: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735036.611: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735045.993: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735048.440: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735052.296: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735053.171: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735053.620: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735055.668: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735061.597: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735075.625: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735101.072: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735101.215: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735101.247: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735102.585: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735104.092: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735105.590: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735129.751: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735132.640: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735134.908: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735141.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735159.335: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735182.239: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735184.230: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735184.230: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735186.223: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735224.810: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735225.110: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735240.666: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735242.139: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735246.661: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735283.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.045: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.045: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.045: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735295.059: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735296.231: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735314.900: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735315.271: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735317.799: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735328.220: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735331.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735331.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735331.389: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735332.690: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735369.512: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 196
217735370.338: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735370.338: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217735370.379: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.04 seconds.
217735370.379: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735370.379: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735453.626: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 197
217735453.759: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735453.759: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217735453.759: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735453.759: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735460.709: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735468.271: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735468.803: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735468.949: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735475.293: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735485.076: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735493.212: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735493.331: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735496.035: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735498.401: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735502.267: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735505.878: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735506.016: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735532.478: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735539.332: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735546.897: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735551.446: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735552.458: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735559.055: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735574.460: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735580.884: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735581.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735583.646: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735585.174: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735609.271: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735621.628: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735625.607: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735634.778: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735644.242: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735674.503: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735676.712: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735676.712: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735683.673: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735714.649: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735716.139: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735717.642: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.602: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.602: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.602: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735728.778: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735731.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Name) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735742.275: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735746.178: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735746.178: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735751.939: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735776.479: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 198
217735777.142: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735777.142: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217735777.142: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735777.142: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735790.102: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735876.922: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 199
217735877.924: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217735877.924: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217735878.033: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.11 seconds.
217735878.033: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217735878.033: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.260: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.387: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.574: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735878.574: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.084: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.084: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.084: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.099: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.099: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.189: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.189: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.189: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.199: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.199: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.737: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735879.737: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735887.780: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735904.449: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735910.121: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735911.822: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735911.848: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735931.627: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735933.624: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735964.501: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.190: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.190: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.568: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.568: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735977.944: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735978.510: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735978.517: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735978.517: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735986.297: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735987.998: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735987.998: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735987.998: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735991.365: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735991.742: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735993.150: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735993.150: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735993.150: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735994.311: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735994.424: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217735994.424: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736000.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736012.828: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736017.366: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736124.302: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736156.267: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736156.598: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736156.598: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death_IsImmortal) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736157.525: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736157.550: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736187.145: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736187.145: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736187.145: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736210.339: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736212.330: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736217.058: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736281.663: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736285.443: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736291.532: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736294.560: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736309.139: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736316.690: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736330.601: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736330.978: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736338.937: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736354.930: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736397.747: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736470.525: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736476.585: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 200
217736477.295: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736477.295: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736477.295: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736477.295: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736507.010: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736525.021: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 201
217736525.497: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736525.497: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736525.497: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736525.497: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736528.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736528.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736528.697: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736535.484: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736549.232: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 202
217736549.503: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736549.503: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736549.503: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736549.503: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736580.685: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 203
217736580.685: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736580.714: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736580.714: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217736580.775: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.06 seconds.
217736580.775: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736580.775: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736581.811: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736623.328: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736629.676: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736713.399: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 204
217736713.568: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736713.568: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736713.568: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736713.568: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736713.887: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.100: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 205
217736732.894: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736732.894: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736732.894: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736732.894: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.894: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.894: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736732.894: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736737.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736737.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736737.372: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736738.563: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736748.935: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 206
217736749.351: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736749.351: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736749.351: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736749.351: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736757.576: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736771.576: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 207
217736773.399: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736773.399: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217736773.399: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736773.399: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736798.316: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 208
217736798.877: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217736798.877: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217736798.965: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.09 seconds.
217736798.965: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217736798.965: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217736812.141: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736835.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736835.767: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736835.811: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736894.727: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736908.817: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736916.858: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736924.665: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736932.581: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736933.842: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736952.052: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736961.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736961.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736961.031: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736966.234: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736968.233: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736993.833: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217736994.016: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737004.622: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737020.398: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737020.439: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737030.550: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737056.195: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737072.397: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737072.514: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 209
217737072.529: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737072.529: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737072.529: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737072.529: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737073.228: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737079.844: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 210
217737080.149: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737080.149: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737080.149: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737080.149: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737146.943: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 211
217737147.592: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737147.592: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737147.621: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.03 seconds.
217737147.621: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737147.621: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737176.441: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737189.399: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737190.999: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737191.108: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737192.393: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737195.456: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737195.456: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737195.456: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737203.983: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737205.645: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737209.674: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.239: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.239: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737213.251: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737218.737: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737218.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737218.749: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737228.104: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737239.540: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737239.551: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737239.551: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737248.856: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737249.238: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737255.253: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737259.396: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737261.078: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737261.078: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737291.910: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737299.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737299.990: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737301.254: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737302.451: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737302.463: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737302.948: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737309.294: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737314.258: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737316.740: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737317.194: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.037: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.053: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.053: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737319.053: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Physics_NotDetectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737328.142: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737333.410: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737334.016: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737334.042: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737335.748: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737335.748: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737336.715: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737357.901: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737368.952: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737373.156: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737375.584: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737378.589: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737410.120: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737418.124: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737418.511: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737436.027: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737436.416: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737474.862: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737482.734: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 212
217737483.001: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737483.001: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737483.001: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737483.001: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737496.182: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737572.145: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 213
217737572.974: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737572.974: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737573.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.09 seconds.
217737573.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737573.060: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737574.375: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (CL_UsingRuneArm) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737733.435: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 214
217737733.926: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737733.926: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737733.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.04 seconds.
217737733.967: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737733.967: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737737.605: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737737.605: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737737.605: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737741.060: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737741.060: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737741.060: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737742.008: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737742.008: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737742.008: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737745.050: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737760.363: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 215
217737760.643: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737760.643: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737760.643: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737760.643: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737761.844: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Benefit_Wizard_PaleMaster_LichForm_Toggle) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737783.302: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 216
217737783.321: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737783.321: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737783.370: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.05 seconds.
217737783.370: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737783.370: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737783.802: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737785.476: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737808.127: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737814.095: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737814.478: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737854.341: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 217
217737854.495: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737854.495: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737854.548: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.05 seconds.
217737854.548: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737854.548: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737854.979: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (HousingSystem_PlayerAmenityManagerIIDPresent) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217737872.219: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 218
217737873.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737873.866: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217737873.993: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.13 seconds.
217737873.993: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737873.993: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737896.378: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 219
217737897.183: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737897.183: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737897.183: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737897.183: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737925.453: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 220
217737926.646: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737926.646: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737926.646: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737926.646: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217737959.796: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 221
217737960.709: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217737960.709: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217737960.709: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217737960.709: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217738050.545: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
217738054.516: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 222
217738055.940: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217738055.940: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
217738056.007: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.07 seconds.
217738056.007: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217738056.007: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217738064.125: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738072.785: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738108.892: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738139.283: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738199.425: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738293.062: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738298.106: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738301.065: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738303.547: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738305.765: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738321.064: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738336.955: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AdjustableScale) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738365.657: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738372.225: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738378.489: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738391.444: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738399.410: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738402.606: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738405.485: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738419.346: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738427.766: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738503.829: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738526.555: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738577.711: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738579.222: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738767.143: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738781.181: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738790.333: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738793.773: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738803.902: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738805.607: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738832.155: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738864.228: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738886.483: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738887.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738909.129: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage@Usable.m_didAction) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
217738988.596: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 223
217738988.983: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217738988.983: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217738988.983: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217738988.983: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217739003.459: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 224
217739004.420: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
217739004.420: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
217739004.420: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
217739004.420: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
217739084.899: ----CRASH REPORT START----
217739084.899: Program fault: ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) trying to read from 0x00004100
217739084.899: Detailed report:

Current local time: Mon Feb 18 23:53:32 2013

Version Report generated by CoreVersion : 2.0.137 (0x02000089):
  Language: English (United States)
  CompanyName : Turbine, Inc.
  FileDescription : 
  FileVersion :
  InternalName : dndclient
  LegalCopyright : Copyright © 1997-2013 Turbine, Inc.
  OriginalFilename : dndclient.exe
  ProductName : dndclient
  ProductVersion : dnd_16_1
  Comments : compiled Tue Jan  8 23:20:05 2013 : RELEASE
  TurbineBuildVersion :
  TurbineType : Admin External

217739084.899: ----CRASH REPORT END----
Any ideas?