It is tiered. Type in Glass and you'll see three tiers for it, each adding something. The second one adds +114 spell power to force lines and an augment slot. The third only boosts that to 120 spell power and something else, which I forget.
But the epic gems take a ridiculous time to pull. I was getting about 4-6 per run on CR 25. So you either have to increase the CR or do gem runes in between normal runs to get enough.
too bad no upgrades to existing lvl 20 gear. makes the whole event a Pass for me.
Originally Posted by Towrn
Succubus pretty ... too bad she try to kill us
Lewela FvS (5th life)-Aezechiel Sorc (3rd life)-Usuldur Monk (5th life)-Larsenkarden Cleric (2nd life)-Punkcanard Eva-Artie (2nd life)-Kakophonyc Virtuoso/Fighter
Le Dernier Chapitre ///// Argonnessen
down side preview was to short and very bad timing afte releasing major content like epic giant hold ussly ya run a preview for a few days. though i noticed several down sides everyone wanted to run for lvl 20 mats and not epic mats . so geuss what artys end up soloing to try to upgrade the rune arms due to getting the wrong mats since ya can only crunch down and not up.also the cruch rate of 1 for one also needs a by ten option added for thouse of us with all capped charechters aint got to sit there for hours upon hours sundering then into lvl 1 mats for the base item .
Last edited by wildcard1978; 02-22-2013 at 11:14 AM. Reason: typos
Are there any plans to break the Crystal Cove down into level based zones so that the lvl 5 players don't keep getting wiped out because a lvl 25 mob used an area effect spell? I'd love to be able to find a zone suited more specifically to my level range.