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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Unhappy Launcher Update fail - loop - Solved

    Launcher says it has to restart for an update, counts down 20 seconds, then a short delay and

    A window titled "SelfPatch" pops up with an error message:

    Could not patch the file "TurbineLauncher.exe", error 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

    After I click OK the launcher starts again but then repeats the same process indefinitely. I can click the X to close the launcher before it tries to update itself and escape this loop.

    Windows 7 32-bit

    I've tried using "dndlauncher.exe" instead, I've tried running these as administrator, but to no avail. Using Process Explorer, I see that when the "SelfPatch" window is up, there is a "rundll32.exe" process which seems to have been started with the following command line:

    "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" SelfPatch.dll,SelfPatch -text "Please wait..." 0x00000bd8 "D:\programs\ddou\Patches" "D:\programs\ddou" "D:\programs\ddou\Backup" 11 "de/TurbineLauncher.resources.dll" "en/TurbineLauncher.resources.dll" "fr/TurbineLauncher.resources.dll" "patchclient.dll" "TurbineLauncher.exe" "Interop.SHDocVw.dll" "PatchWrapper2.dll" "ControlLibrary.dll" "AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll" "Interop.PatchWrapper.dll" "PatchWrapper2PS.dll" "D:\programs\ddou\TurbineLauncher.exe" -invoker

    Any ideas? I gather that not many other people have this same problem. I wonder if there's some wah I can manually download just the latest launcher files.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    UPDATE - Solved this by manually copying the TurbineLauncher.exe from gamedir/Patches/ to replace the normal one in gamedir/ (after exiting the loop and waiting a minute for the file to not be locked)

    I guess my system keeps opened files opened for a little longer than usual, or something... which I always assumed was a problem introduced by MalwareBytes Anti-Malware's file scanning deal or some now-uninstalled program of that type... but whatever, I've got DDO working again, yay xD
    Last edited by Flagstone; 02-20-2013 at 03:48 PM. Reason: fixed it shortly after posting

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