Die Souless!
but the person referred to in the second part of 1Souless1' post is NOT someone who has left the guild recently, its someone who is still in. In fact, I believe the only woman still in that guild, excluding Ava who has been afk for months now, and that other family that plays on occasion.. Or are you really that blind? Let's all feed the troll now.
Last edited by mercedesbinns07; 02-23-2013 at 03:51 AM.
Female long time player from the states, currently residing on Argonessen.. Proud co-leader of Claddagh.
I would like to thank you for not editing out your rage against Souless even after discovering you weren't talking to him at all. It gave me great amusement. But even though the negative comments about your guild didn't actually come from Souless, feel free to hold them against him anyway. I would if I were you.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
A guild of two is the best way to fly. Husband and wife. No drama no stupid people just fun!!
Going MAdD
Last edited by Shmuel; 02-23-2013 at 08:56 AM.
Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak
Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
---- Death N Taxes -------------------------------------------------------Argo -----
Since no one has mentioned the elephant in the room...
A Universal Mind (always top class)
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
Ahem. I personally hit the disband button on that guild. It was calling to me!
Although I believe Gkar recreated it on one of his mules afterwards.
Strangly enough, I was hit up in game just yesterday by someone who was in AUM that was returning to the game after being gone for the last four or five years, looking for a guild invite.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
Share and Enjoy!
Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
Completionist / Epic Completionist - 15 Druid / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Sorcerer
Triple past lives Sorcerer/Wizard/Cleric/Favored Soul/Druid/Morninglord
Other Main Capped Characters
Krestal Sorcerer Azlix Cleric Talonaise Rogue Assassin
I guess I didn't vote in here yet. I'm going to have to vote for the Bloodlords.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
I remember back when i started there were a few guilds that i got alot of assistance from.
First run through shrouds with OSD
alot of build advice and gear help during our daily tor runs with Pure Life (MrTank) still was some of the most fun ever
my first guild was great Unknown Souls. back when Hawk was a regular player before all the Lobster Sauce
then as the game changed IA was formed and was Great
Then we merged with CK and this has been a great experience
hjeal my EE AZ and pass meh the lootz Cetusss
Githyankii Proud member of IA
My vote is AoK, not to be confused with my guild Aces over Kings. AoK players are knowledgeable about the game, play well together and generally have a great time. Though I have not played with many of them in a long time at one point they were part of Aces and were (IMO) the best guild I have seen in 7 years of playing this game. Regardless of how things panned out they still get my vote as I know that they are all good people and work together tremendously, heck I should know that I recruited almost every single one of them.
Other guilds that I always enjoy playing with (in no particular order):
Truth Seekers
Red Coats
I always liked Ransacked.
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)