The context is that I'm not a VIP, I didn't buy 32 point builds, or Drow, or FvS, but I'm keen to play tourist on another server.
I decided I'd like to check out Thelanis. I won't be leaving Khyber since I am a huge fan of the friends I have made and am very much looking forward to experiencing end-game at length on Khyberian Aggrim's final life. But, as he's not really EE-solo-capable (nor is he intended to be... I will try some things when I cap though, but am very pessimistic), I will primarily be playing him when buddies are on.
All of my alts on Khyber are terrible (see the signature links if you doubt me), so I figured I'd see what the other most populous server is like and enjoy a fresh start while I'm at it.
I present, "The Tourist":
STR 13 <-- Would love more.
CON 14 <-- Would love more.
DEX 14 + 5 or 6 level-ups. <--- Ahahaha, no but seriously. Almost entirely for IPS qualifying. Multiple level-ups may actually go into Strength if I stumble upon a Dex tome.
INT 14 <-- I would love to have more for spell points, but DCs are going to be terrible anyway. 9th level spell access is trivial at least (for Wail and PWK).
WIS 13 <-- Cleric Dilettante
1 - Wizard 1 - Point Blank Shot, Mental Toughness, Cleric Dilettante
2 - Wizard 2
3 - Wizard 3 - Rapid Shot
4 - Wizard 4
5 - Wizard 5 - SF: Evocation
6 - Wizard 6 - GSF: Evocation
7 - Wizard 7
8 - Wizard 8
9 - Wizard 9 - WF: Ranged
10 - Wizard 10 - Maximize
11 - Wizard 11
12 - Wizard 12 - Manyshot
13 - Wizard 13
14 - Monk 1 - Toughness
15 - Monk 2 - Precise Shot, Zen Archery, (Evasion)
16 - Ranger 1 - (Bow Strength)
17 - Wizard 14
18 - Wizard 15 - IC: Ranged, Empower
19 - Wizard 16
20 - Wizard 17
Epic 21 - Improved Precise Shot
Epic 24 - Quicken
On the more obvious omissions:
- Insightful Reflexes - Int will probably end up lower than Dex so no help.
- Heighten - did I mention Int would be sub par? Well it REALLY will be sub par. So far so that it's unlikely DCs will even be in the ballpark.
- SF: Conj - for web - web will be useless, especially without heighten.
On Zen Archery:
- +2 saves from Water Stance is awesome, alternatively +25% H-Amp from Jidz Tetka if I burn the bracers slot on it and go into Fire Stance is also awesome. Those options alone justify it to me.
- as the 2nd monk feat there aren't any other super exciting options either. In my opinion Precision is... unthrilling.
Why didn't you swap the locations of Mental Toughness and Maximize?
- I'm an idiot and forgot how little Archmage I offered. It's only a wait until level 10 though.
Why Ranger 1?
- Sprint Boost, +2 Reflex Saves, Bow Proficiencies.
- Wiz 18 is also not super exciting for an archmage.
Evasion might be passable in water stance with gear. I'll see. I think I'll just tick the box for no-fail except on a 1 for Elite Crucible if geared and taking clever monkey path, but confess I haven't actually done the calculations.
Spell penetration and DCs will be appallingly bad. I am at peace with this.
Bow damage is a huge concern given the trashy strength. There's no obvious solution so I hope that the Evocation SLAs + MM/CM/Meteor Swarm spells make up some ground.
I think Tenser's Transformation will need to be on a lot at endgame for Archery related BAB reasons - which plays havoc with the idea of simultaneous Evo Archmage MM/Chain Missiles spam. I will have to work out a balance or get Divine Power clickies if it's too frustrating.
Invisibility the spell will cover my lack of invisibility clickies. Cleric dilettante will cover healing, and Arcanes with Maximize can hit 20 with their eyes closed anyway (not literally, and there will be detours for challenge farming at various points because I need Frozen Tunics to live).
That's about it. Any suggestions are welcome. Thelanian Aggrim is level 2 at the moment, so re-rolling won't devastate me.