DDOcast 270 MP3: http://www.ddocast.com/audio/2013-02-17-DDOcast-270.mp3
DDOcast 270 YouTube: http://youtu.be/QzOoKm7-Kyg
DDOcast Update 17 Preview Tour YouTube: http://youtu.be/WHNNyLtjCwY

Sig, Anne & Geoff (http://www.ddogamer.com) talk about the 48+ hour down time for DDO servers, the latest news on from the DDO community. Sig and Anne talk about their Turbine Tour with Update 17. And from Shamgar, we have the latest Epic Education on Lord of Blades: Pillars of the Forge.

DDOcast Preview Tour: Update 17 Return to Gianthold

Join Sig along with DDO Producer Athena and Turbine Communications Expert Leo as we take a preview tour of Update 17 Return to Giant Hold! Many thanks to Athena and Leo of Turbine for givng us a showing us around! And thanks to the DDO team for creating more content for the game we love! Happy 7th Birthday DDO

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