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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default opinions on leveling order..12monk/7wizard/1druid

    OK so. Decided after much deliberation that I do not want to TR my healing amp wss cleric mutt again.

    I have decided on doing an unarmed druid 17/monk/1x? Going for draconic incarnation ED.

    In doing so, I have created a new toon which I plan on straight blitzing through content in his first life in order to gain the past life monk feat, as well as going with 6+ levels of wizard in order to take draconic ED just before I TR.

    My issue is this.. I've never played more than 3 lvls of monk in a build, or arcanes at all, so given that I have a fairly odd build, ending as 12 monk, 7 wizard and 1 druid. I don't know what my optimal build/leveling order I should go with.
    As it stands, I've already eaten a greater tome of learning and have rolled this toon as lvl4 already.
    Currently I am half elf rogue dil, 3 monk, 1 druid.
    Starting stats are:
    15str + lvl ups

    I realize #1 this isn't a min/Max type of build, but it does enough that it won't be totally gimp during lvling(I hope)
    Initial plan was 1dru>6 or 7monk>wiz7>monk 12.
    Other options are 1druid>3monk>wiz7>12monk.

    I started monk heavy to 3 seeing as wizards are just weaker early on, I'd like to be able to use firewall for leveling if possible, but given the emphasis on str this build has, would I see more benefit to monk earlier, even going to 12 monk by lvl 13.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    I'd switch to Wizard now unless you don't mind downing haste pots constantly. Are you taking Extend? I could see going one of two ways - either taking Extend + one other Wizard feat (not sure what I'd go with for the second one) or going Mental Toughness + Spell Focus Illusion to take Archmage I and the 2sp invis (assuming you're going light monk...dark it's not worth taking the invis since you can do it for ki starting at level 6).

    Honestly though the leveling order to me would really depend on whether you're light or dark. On a light monk those first 3 levels trump almost everything but after that those wizard levels are much nicer. On a dark monk level 9 is huge (Touch of Death) and I wouldn't want to put that off by more than a level or two tops.

    Just out of curiosity, what's the reason for the level split?
    Last edited by Darkrok; 02-18-2013 at 04:33 PM. Reason: Took out the quote of the OP
    Tajawuka 20 Bladeforged Paladin running divine ETR's (3 ranger/monk/fighter pl's, 3 martial epl's) - Toolbots working on Morninglord Cleric life #2 (3 wizard/sorc/druid pl) - Evisra 28 rogue

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Taking your first level as Wizard will give you access to handy spells like Expeditious and nightshield (magic missle protection for the win!) and being able to use Invisibility scrolls, as well as give you more skill points to spend.

    Is Wiz 7 for level 4 spells?
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Wizard 7 is for access to draconic ED. I can reduce it to 6 and take a 2nd lvl of druid but I'm unsure if I can be a zombie bear or wolf.

    But yea I'm light monk 3 for now, druid for wands, and will rush wiz 7 from here, then continue monk, switching to dark monk at 14 the rest of the way out. I thought about going cleric dill but with druid I get early wands, positive/negative spell power, and rams might.

    This is a build made for access from a tr, and is mostly flavor, but it shouldn't be too horrible. Planning on ninja spy zombie, fighting unarmed while leveling. Doing a few raids, then I'll prolly or it into an AA because those are just fun, then tr it after a few days into what I want.

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