OK so. Decided after much deliberation that I do not want to TR my healing amp wss cleric mutt again.
I have decided on doing an unarmed druid 17/monk/1x? Going for draconic incarnation ED.
In doing so, I have created a new toon which I plan on straight blitzing through content in his first life in order to gain the past life monk feat, as well as going with 6+ levels of wizard in order to take draconic ED just before I TR.
My issue is this.. I've never played more than 3 lvls of monk in a build, or arcanes at all, so given that I have a fairly odd build, ending as 12 monk, 7 wizard and 1 druid. I don't know what my optimal build/leveling order I should go with.
As it stands, I've already eaten a greater tome of learning and have rolled this toon as lvl4 already.
Currently I am half elf rogue dil, 3 monk, 1 druid.
Starting stats are:
15str + lvl ups
I realize #1 this isn't a min/Max type of build, but it does enough that it won't be totally gimp during lvling(I hope)
Initial plan was 1dru>6 or 7monk>wiz7>monk 12.
Other options are 1druid>3monk>wiz7>12monk.
I started monk heavy to 3 seeing as wizards are just weaker early on, I'd like to be able to use firewall for leveling if possible, but given the emphasis on str this build has, would I see more benefit to monk earlier, even going to 12 monk by lvl 13.