I will pay 500k each for Drow Scimtars of the Weapon Master. Leave post if your interested and serious only plz.
I will pay 500k each for Drow Scimtars of the Weapon Master. Leave post if your interested and serious only plz.
Last edited by bjones0064; 02-18-2013 at 02:24 AM.
I guess you know what part of the forum you are posting in.
Oh for Lolth's sake, you are posting in the wrong part of the forums for trading, and they are pointing it out!!! I can't take it anymore!!! Read everything again and think about it!!!!
You asked a question, I answered it. Gold used to be the standard. Then I pointed out that you must be new for not knowing that.
You may now resume your butthurt attitude and keep posting like you're trying to make yourself look worse and worse every new post you make.
I am not sure who looks the most noobish between the 2:
1. One that doesn't know that platinum is the standard and thus ask questions about which currency exchange he refers to.
2. One that forgot to specify the currency exchange assuming everybody knows the standard currency exchange nowadays considering the auction house uses platinum since 2010.
Whiteknightmuch? He offers 500k but doesn't specify what. For all we know he could be offering dragonshard fragments or chicken feathers for that matter. there are PLENTY of items that stack into quantities that could total up to 500k. And in this section of the forum it wouldn't be too surprising for someone to offer 500k chicken feathers to troll people.
If you are making a bed though I'd suggest goose, their down feathers are so soft and snuggly
If you are truly interested in purchasing an item, it would help to post it in the appropriate forum. http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=68 or if you go back to the sarlona forum there is a separate section of the forum waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up at the top called the sarlona marketplace. (see look I is helpful!)
Now back to your regularly scheduled trolling.
Last edited by bjones0064; 02-19-2013 at 09:55 PM.
Well this posted stopped being about it's original intent when they assume that one person would make it all the way to Eveningstar and do the House of Rusted Blades and get a Drow Scimtar and somehow not no what the common currency of Ah is. That is is just simply awesome!! No this is about my entertainment till update 17. The best part is they get there friends to try and back up there logic like it will be logical with more ppl. HA!!!!!!
Actually I didn't once see anything mentioned in your original post about the AH (auction house). Last time I was ingame I looked and noticed there are 3 choices to put for the auction house, so plat is not the only one and required one.
When people trade things, on these forums, they rarely use plat. Instead they use items. So people might trade you say 3 red scales for those drow scimitars you want. If you wanted to be taken seriously in this thread you should have stated the above AND put it in the correct place, instead of putting it where you currently chose to, then your 500k comment would have made more sense, since it obviously would have been posted in the actual "trade" forums.
But hey you never did answer, you looking for 500k feathers to make a nice comfy bed like was speculated?