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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Nothing serious, just a real good joke on me

    I play on Orien only. Created a toon on Khyber but never played it, will delete it sometime in the future.

    This is what happened. I created a toon name DaxArtyx with the Veteran Status lvl4, helf artificer lvl4. Within a month or so, the Veteran Status lvl7 went on sale and I bought it with TP. Now I went back and deleted DaxArtyx lvl4 and created a new DaxArtyx, helf artificer lvl7. It is all good in the playing client as I only have 1 char named DaxArtyx. However in MyDDO, my list of toons has 2 DaxArtyx, 1 lvl4 and 1 lvl7.

    The funny thing is that I enter those daily lotteries mostly for fun, and my deleted DaxArtyx lvl4 won a True Druidic Heart of Wood and I couldn't even claim it, lol.

    It is really a non-consequencial bug, I have to remember to uncheck that toon for future lotteries, so that I dont win unclaimable prizes, but it is a bug nonetheless.

    Sure, someday some bored dev will have nothing to do and find this tiny loophole and decide to rewrite a few code lines. Presently there are so much more to do to make the game better, so keep up the good work.

    Personally, I think that when I deleted DaxArtyx lvl4, I already entered it for several lotteries that day, so the lotteries kept that toon alive floating in lottery land while I deleted it and created a new DaxArtyx lvl7. Then by pure coincidence or divine intervention, that toon does win a TR Heart of all the prizes. WOW, I was happy to see that my new toon won a TR heart and was surprised when I got no mail ingame. Recheck several times before noticing the lvl4 instead of the lvl7, that was a real good joke, LOL.

    What a relief, just found out that it does not just happen to me and I only have 1 unused toon while others have in the 100s...well, no wonder MyDDO always seems so freakishly slow, it is haunted by all the Ghosts of Life Past, LOL. Someone call the ghostbusters quick, LOL.
    Last edited by FynWarFyn; 02-16-2013 at 01:03 AM. Reason: I am not the first and maybe not the last either, found another thread about olds and unused toons in MyDDO

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