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  1. #1
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Monk Guilds that do Battle

    I have run a monks exclusive guild (must have at least one level of monk) called the White Lotus Monastary for about 2 years. I would love to find another monk guild that would be at odds with ours -- so that whenever monks from one guild ran into another in Stormreach they would be honor-bound to duel. This is like the original box set of dnd where monks had to defeat others after level 8 in order to advance.
    Consequences of monks losing/winning the personal challenge duel could range from paying the winner's guild thousands of pp - or perhaps even after 3 losses a monk would have to die (like permadeath) and start over. Consequences can be refined between the guild leaders -- and fights may only take place if within 1 - 2 levels of the challenger's character level -- otherwise the lower ranks must simply prostrate themselves to ridicule or whatever.
    Are there any monk lovers out there to start such a guild -- a "black lotus monastary" in opposition to mine? Contact me in game mail to Xeang.
    PS -- My guild the "White Lotus Monastary" is in Thelanis.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    I'm a newbie Monk on his first character (3rd) that plans on TR'ing at 20.

    I'm mostly saying hello, but I'm more than glad to accept and offer duels as I climb the ladder to 20.

    With an all Monk guild, if you have enough low level members, you could mandate that your members win a duel after level 8 or 9 before they can level.

    Which would be in spirit of the "old" rules -back when us Monks had to walk to their dojo uphill, before any fancy "Oriental Adventures" in the snow, with both tabi-shoes tied together, in a monsoon, without evasion, with no fancy strength bonuses to our THAC0 or to our damage and no bonuses to our AC from our Dexterity let alone our Wisdom.

    We were AC 10 baby and we LIKED it!

    /shakes his bamboo cane angrily at the yungsters on his lawn.

    Fallingleaf of Thelanis
    Last edited by Serignuad2; 02-17-2013 at 06:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default monk guilds old school

    Lol to S. Yes I remember those good old monk days. I agree low level monks would not have to duel. Starts in around level 8 would be about right. Refusal to duel would bring shame to your guild and self -- perhaps the shamed guild would have to make a donation of pp to the other. Are you starting a guild on monks too S? are you in Thelanis. I'm on almost every day -- let's see if we can hook up and talk there.

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