Edit: The time period for this competition has been extended indefinitely, with no ETA. Thank you for your patience.
Edit: The time period for this competition has been extended indefinitely, with no ETA. Thank you for your patience.
Last edited by Rhomnibus; 02-15-2013 at 09:53 AM.
֖ ֥ You have angered many opponents, and your enemies have been alerted to the presence of your trolling.
Swing away Ray!
Active: Meriam,
Inactives: Fluorite, Bogenschutze, Merkava, Sorjak, Virgina, Heywire, Mayberry, Rhyodacite, Reepicheep
Roving Guns
"Dance, little lady dance"
Darkzess - Sturdycaster (Retired Wiz) - Stormfists - Zeess (Art) - Zessx (FvS)Thelanis
~I'm Back!~
As we watch these two in their natural habitat, little did we know that Skeleton Giants had such an aversion to loin cloths....
""can't we all just get along?!"
"Come on, big guy! We need to be ready for the Epics by end of next week."
" One of these days... One of these days... POW! Right in the kisser! "
This is why you should choose cremation over burial.
I believe Teddy said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick!"
Last edited by KongColeus; 02-15-2013 at 11:20 AM.
"You too could have a six pack in just seven days, you might have to miss out on DDO time..........so I guess you're gonna pass"
....and that was the last time Fred trusted his friends when they said "There's a mosquito on you...."
Cevon - Nature's Arrow (17 Dru/2 Mnk/1 Wiz HE AA), Shorlong - Pale Master (18 Wiz/2 Monk)
Gorgnak - Frenzied Barbarian, Krazig - Dark Knight Paladin
Xanapheia - Fighting Soul (18 FvS/2 Ftr), Addanc - Bearbarian Tank (12 Dru/6 Ftr/2 Brb)
Thelanis - Leader of The Dark Creed
News at 11: You'll never guess who the New York Yankees just signed. Also followed by the Sanfrancisco Giants reaction. Coverage starts at 11.
Look!! It must be Valentine's Day, it's a red heart pinata!! Me first.
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
Spectator : Wow, Barry Bonds has kinda lost some bulk since he stopped the Roids
Current Driver of the Wanderlust *Special* Bus
aka Artvexus/Arvexii/Xevra/Dasstardly/Nikya/Aeschelypius/Graspbopper
oh my, free 250TP?