This game is based on 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons. And while I accept that it moves further and further from that base every day, I"m a strong advocate for moving back closer to that base. That includes cleaving closer to the actual rules, implementing more spells, alt rules from the expansions, etc. But one of the easiest ways to start doing so would be to start including more of the magic items that are found in the game. So with that, I'm going to suggest that over the next few updates, instead of designing yet more power-creep items, you focus on introducing pnp- existing magic items.
For now, let's take a look at some armor and shield properties.
Animated (shield): This would make for a decent rare find. BtA.
Arrow Catching (shield): This could be useful to some defender builds. BtA.
Arrow Deflection (shield): 6 second cool down, ducks one arrow on a DC 20 + arrow enhancement bonus Reflex save. Low powered, fair for low level characters. No binding.
Reflecting (shield): Clicky, when turned on stays active until it turns one spell back on the caster, then has a 5 minute cool down. Exclusive, BtA.
Undead Controlling: Once per rest charm up to 26 HD of undead. BtA.
Demon Armor: Not actually terribly useful, but it would be interesting to see what builds were made around this. BtCoA.
Absorbing Shield: Once per rest, disintegrate on bash. BtCoE.
Caster’s Shield: As is. Could be neat, might require implementation of scroll scribing (which should already be included in the game). No binding.
Lion’s Shield: Looks cool, low level, moderate cool down. BtA.
Spined Shield: Okay low level item. BtA.