So, last night I decided to move a BtCoE quarterstaff I'd looted earlier in the evening (which I wanted to place into my shared bank for a rainy day when I finally decide to make a quarterstaff wielding character), but unfortunately for me, the game decided instead that I wanted to equip the quarterstaff, which I promptly did - binding it to me forever, and now I have to stick it in my bank, taking up an ever more valuable bank slot.
Please, for the love of god, prompt a message box asking me if I want to equip something that is BtCoE the first time.
Later on, the very same thing happened with a breastplate that I wanted to auction off. When moving it to the AH, it decided to equip it instead - FORTUNATELY, armor takes a while to equip, so while it was equipping itself, I could move, and interrupt the process. This happened a couple of times before I was able to actually move it into the AH and get it out of my inventory.